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Showing posts from October, 2018

Classic to Lightning Salesforce Conversion - Step 1 - test data and dashboards

I love lightning.  The look and feel, the quickly searchable setup page, the dashboard components... My mom, however, is not convinced.  She holds onto her legacy page layouts with the same intensity in which I held her hand when faced with a huge goat that wanted to nibble my fingers.  These next few posts are dedicated to you mom.  It is time to let is time to say hello to lightning. Mom has not shared her production Salesforce password, however, I do have a developer org that was generated from production.  How?  She was tired on Friday night because my baby brother was sick all evening and left her laptop open.  I snuck into her office and added myself as a user before her session timed out.  The first step: Create a good set of test records so that I can make the sandbox look just like production.  How? *shameless plug*  There was a backup Salesforce record set on Mom's computer that she uses for demos....