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Business Administration Specialist Superbadge- 3 & 4

This afternoon, I added a genius wig in an attempt to look a little older and more experienced.  The free lemonade offer worked!  I made two dollars today! 

A huge thank you to Jocelyn Fennewald, Salesforce MVP, for pointing out the "remove all columns" option within the report creator.  When you start a create a new report, simply click to start with a clean screen. 
If you are familiar with report and dashboards, this challenge should only take 30 or so minutes to complete.  Below are tips and gotchas for each report / dashboard.  If you need more help, leave a comment!

Accounts by Market
  • To create the "Market" row grouping, use a bucket field.
  • Make sure that the correct date range is selected.
High Value Residential 
  • This report includes: 1 filter, 1 grouping, and 1 summarized field. 
Rated Accounts by State
  • The record count for state and account rating are automatically added.
  • Note the filter. 
Open Support Cases
  • You may need to click "show" then "details" before you are able to drop fields onto the report.
  • Remember to include the two groupings.
  • The title of the report is open support cases, not "open and closed support cases."
Both dashboards must be created in Lightning, as the option to size charts is Lighning specific.  Plus, dashboards are so much prettier in Lightning!

Team Scoreboard Dashboard
  • Read the instructions carefully, noting the Title and Subtitle of each component 
Rep Scoreboard Dashboard
  • Note that the user should only see their own data

Email Signature
You can set up a personal email signature by clicking on your photo (upper right) then selecting settings.
When creating the letterhead, make sure to check the "available for use" box.

Email tips:
  • Create the email folder to store the templates before starting the "welcome email."
  • Folder access settings can be adjusted in order to secure your template.
  • Copy / Paste to insert the provided email body, and leave me a comment if you get stuck! 

Mom says that I look like "Thing 1" or "Thing 2" - from Dr. Seuss


  1. Hello! I am stucked in the Reports & Dashboard challenge. I am getting the error message: "Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Account Distribution' component." I am not sure why I am getting this error message. My report looks exactly like the ones that I have found on blogs/developer community. Could you share the results of the report Account by Market? Thank you in advance and great job with your blog!

  2. Hello! A few things to check:
    1) This matrix report should have a column labeled "Market" - bucket field, and a row labeled "Rating"
    2) Make sure that your bucket field contains the correct values. I have 5 items in my "other" bucket.

    Since the error message specifically references the "Account Distribution" component, I would check this after looking at the report. Note- the max number of values to be displayed is 2. (not 3 - unlike your report!)

    1. Hello Again! Really thank you for your help! I was getting that error because I didn't pay enough attention to the max number of values displayed. Challenge completed finally! Many thanks and kind regards :)

  3. Hello! I'm working on the "Accounts by Market" Report, and I keep getting the error message "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report." But I have a bucket field called "Market" with Utilities, Residential, and Other, with ratings of hot, warm, and cold (and -). Do you have any idea of what I might be doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated!

    1. Happy to help! This could be it:
      1) Within the Market bucket - It's "Utility" not "Utilities."
      2) Ratings- "Hot" "Warm" "Cold" "Medium" and "-"

      Why one account is rated "Medium"... no idea!


    2. Oh!! That makes sense, I can't believe I missed that! Now I'm getting this error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: XHJDRILW

      But I did use a new Developer Edition.

      The only thing I can think of is that I changed the accounts rated "Medium" to Warm, because I thought medium wasn't supposed to be a status.

    3. That's a super helpful error message. (sarcasm!)

      I found an article on the developer forum that may assist:

      That is not an error that I've encountered, but the feedback on the thread seems to indicate that a new report may be needed. (If you have the incorrect API name for the report- that will also throw the challenge off. API names take 24 hours to be 'reusable' even if the recycling bin is emptied.)

      I wish I had a better answer!
      I'd love to hear what exactly caused the error.

    4. Thank you! I think changing the title to "Utility" actually helped (or maybe just waiting a few days...hard to tell what's happening behind the scenes with this one!) I'm not getting that error message anymore, although I am realizing I don't know how to restrict a dashboard so a user only sees their own data. I don't want to cheat and just ask for the answer, but any chance you could point me to a trailhead module that might help me learn that? I've restricted access on OWD to private, so I thought that would fix it!

  4. Good that you are making progress! I'll give you a hint- click on the little cog icon to the left of "save" on your dashboard. View dashboard as......
    (scroll to the bottom portion of this article- "3. Under View Dashboard As, select who people view the dashboard as:")

    Got it?

    1. Woohoo, it worked!! I'd actually done that, I'd just forgotten to do it in both of the reports. Thanks for your help!

  5. Hello,
    I am working on the Challenge 3. I am getting following error message
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report."
    I have checked several times I have the bucket field called "Market" and also I have Bucket values
    Utility, Residential and other.

  6. I am working on thge Challenge 3 and I am getting following error message
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
    Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report."

    Here are the Requirements: Accounts by Market
    First, Gabriela needs a breakdown of the account industry distribution between the utility accounts and the newly imported residential accounts. Create a matrix report (called Accounts by Market) that summarizes account types as rows (called Market) and account ratings as columns. Gabriela wants you to use the following account types (with all other types categorized as "Other"):
    Include accounts of types Customer - Direct and Customer - Channel
    Include accounts of type Residential
    Gabriela also wants a record count for each account type and account rating. Don’t show details.

  7. In the "Utility" bucket, are there two values?
    Only one in the residential bucket with all other values in "unbucketed values"?
    (There should not be a bucket value for "other" - this is a default name if you check the box to "bucket remaining values at Other")

    1. There is no residential value showing to add into a new residential bucket

    2. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report. Can somebody help me to fix this error?


  8. Utility

    Unbucketed Values (5)

  9. I have copy and pasted from Report.


    Unbucketed Values (5)

  10. What are your row and column groupings?

    1. Row: Account Type(Market)
      Column: Rating

  11. Can I send you an email with all the Screen shots?

    1. Your groupings look correct- I'm happy to take a look at a screenshot.

    2. I am facing the very same issue. Have tried all the suggested solutions but its not working. I keep getting - Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The bucket field 'Market' is applied incorrectly. Kindly help me out at the earliest. I have got a deadline. :'(

    3. What was the solution z am getting the same error

  12. I keep getting this error

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a preconfigured email storage location named 'Residential Sales Emails'.

    I cant figure it out :(

    1. Hint- start in setup and search for "Classic Email Templates." Look for some tiny words.

    2. Thanks that is the nudge I needed!!!

    3. Thanks that is the nudge I needed!!!

  13. Stuck on challenge 4 with error: Residential Sales Welcome Email is using wrong letterhead.

  14. Hey,
    I'm stuck in Challenge - 3 of BAS.
    I keep getting this error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a component that is 5 cells by 5 cells."
    Can you please tell me why am I getting this ?

    1. I'd bet that a dashboard compontent is not sized correctly. Did you create the dashboard in lightning? The solution may be as simple as resizing.

    2. What was the solution to resolving the error of 5 cells by 5 cells? I did create the dashboard in lightning but I do not see an option to size.

    3. Sonya - count the cells and resize manually.

  15. Challenge 4: I was only able to find email settings by going to setup and searching 'my email settings'. just a heads up, clicking on photo and then settings does not take you to the right place.

    1. Interesting... email settings are available to more than just admins.
      In lighting, you click on your photo then "settings"
      In classic, you click on your name then "settings"

      The challenge has you changing settings for just one user- not globally- to set up a user's personal email signature.

    2. I am struggling with the email signature. I am getting the error that the correct signature cannot be found but I have confirmed, multiple times, it is saved in my email settings. I copied and pasted so as to avoid any potential typos.

    3. Perhaps this is a silly comment- but did you confirm that you are changing the email signature for the correct user?

    4. I am confused by the question. If I am creating a signature in my own profile, how could I be changing the signature for any other user.
      Part of my confusion with this piece of the challenge is that classic email letterhead and templates were not covered in any of the prerequisite challenges or modules. It only covered enhanced templates. Signatures were not mentioned at all. I have searched the modules for a step by step that could be applied to this challenge and have come up short.

  16. Hello!

    I'm getting the following error (Challenge 3):

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Accounts by Market' report does not show the correct level of detail.

    I've setup the "Accounts by Market" report by creating a bucket field (Market | Row) and Rating (Column). The Market bucket field constitutes the Utility, Residential, and Other values.

    I've also setup the filter to show All Accounts for All Created Date ranges.

    Any idea what i'm missing?

    Thank you for your help in advance.

    1. Did you click to "hide the details"? (option at the top of the report in classic , slider at the bottom in lightning)

    2. Thank you!

      I switched to classic and clicked on the "hide the details".

  17. I have exhausted my searches on this problem. There are many of us having the same problem. On Challenge 4 email template get Residential Sales Welcome Email' is using the incorrect letterhead. My troubleshooting to date (none of which resolved the issue).

    I created a classic (not enhanced) letterhead named Residential Sales Letterhead as directed. I added the logo and on all 3 lines changed the color to 106935. I then created an email template named Residential Sales Welcome Email and specified the only letterhead available which is Residential Sales Letterhead. In the template I clicked the hyperlink on that letterhead to ensure it was linked properly, it was. Still I get this generic error. I did have a glitch when created that template it said the api name had been used so I changed the api name to plural emails. I don't think that affects the letterhead as they are two different things. The error is specifying the "letterhead" is incorrect not the template but who knows. Further double checks...

    Made sure I created letterhead and templates in Classic templates/letterheads
    Made sure I copied and pasted the color code rather than type it in (since this superbadge is sensitive)
    Made sure I did not have Folders and enhanced sharing on.
    Made sure I had the right name on the letterhead (and templates) no spelling errors
    Made sure I had the right Logo (only one available) and the right colors (green lines) on letterhead.
    Clicked the link and compared my letterhead to the one that worked and mine matched.
    Double checked the template had the right letterhead (I only have one) by clicking hyperlink and ensuring the letterhead did.

    Any ideas?

    1. Is it flagged "available for use"?
      Residential_Sales_Letterhead - should be the API name of the letterhead.

      Email template saved to the correct folder?

    2. Yes, available for use. Yes, same API and Yes template is in the right folder. Not sure if this link will work with pictures!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_SEARCH_RESULT&id=9063A000000tBVKQA2

      I did have a problem on the template (not letterhead) and said the api name was if the template which is Residential Sales Welcome Email in the picture see how I had to put an "s" on the end of that API. Would that cause an error saying the Letterhead (not template) is wrong? And if so there is nothing I can really do on the API for the template is there?

    3. Most of these superbadges will use the api name to check each challenge step. The best way to fix it is to delete the current template, empty the recycle bin.... then wait. After 24 hours the api name is available for re-use. I'll take a look at the link as soon as I have a minute!

    4. And.... looked at link! It seems like you found the solution!

  18. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Found an incorrect number of values for the component 'My Accounts by State'.
    can you help me how to short by and then short by values with?
    Because my whole process is right but when I compared my dashboard with others I spot some difference in stacked vertical bar values

    others: NM,CO,NV Rating: Hot,cold,medium(in bar Hot is the lowest part then cold and then medium)

    my:NM,CO.NV Rating: Hot,cold,medium( in NM) in rest its showing medium,cold,hot.

    1. I am happy to help, but I do not understand the question. Could you rephrase?

  19. look like your data may be incorrect
    delete and import the data again
    i used data louder IO

  20. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'Market' in the 'Accounts by Market' report.

    Did All the steps correctly but Instead of 20, only 11 records are coming to the "Accounts by market" report! All the types are only residential, not customer direct or channel.

    Please Help!

    1. Check your filters- Are you looking all all accounts? Created for all time?

    2. I'm getting this same error. Tried deleting and redoing it- filter looks good, created bucket field type 'Market'. Been stuck on this challenge for days!

    3. Already hiding details too...

  21. I m Stuck in Superbedge 3 It Shows Error As The dashboard configuration that allows users to see only their own data is incorrect.

    1. Check the settings (gear icon) -

  22. Business Administration Specialist Superbadge Challenge 3 - error message Couldn't find a summary report called 'Open Support Cases'.

    Hello, I keep getting the error message "Couldn't find a summary report called 'Open Support Cases'." but I have done all the steps correctly and applied the correct filters.
    I have also tried logging out, refreshing both pages but for some reason, it is not recognising that report. There are also no other duplicates and it is in the correct folder, also tried in a new TPG.

    Please could you help?

  23. Hi Team,
    i working on BAS challenge 3 , getting error
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Accounts by Market' report does not show the correct level of detail.
    can you please help me out of this issue.

  24. I keep getting the same error message no matter what I do: "Couldn't find a summary report called 'Open Support Cases'"

    Folder and name are both correct; report type is Cases; rows grouped by Account Name and columns by Priority; includes only Case Owner, Subject, and Case Reason; All Cases + All Time; Status is Not Equal to Closed (but I've tried every rendition of this with no success).

    What could be going wrong? Is there a detail I'm missing?

    1. 2 row groupings.
      0 column groupings.

      My status filter equals specific values (not "is not") but my $$ is on the groupings.

  25. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Ratings by State' component.
    step 3 business administration specialist.

    1. hmmm Do you have 11 total records?

    2. I am also facing Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Ratings by State' component error and 11 is total record count. What is the correct record count?

    3. Did anybody find any solution for this? Because I've been stuck on this for days.
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Ratings by State' component.

  26. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The template type is incorrect for the 'Residential Sales Welcome Email' template.

    1. Select Classic Email Template and HTML type while creating the email templates. It will resolve the issue.

  27. The 'Accounts by Market' report does not show the correct level of detail.
    This is the error I am getting what can be the reason.

  28. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The dashboard configuration that allows users to see only their own data is incorrect.

  29. I am getting this error
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Open Support Cases' component.
    Issue seems to be with dashboard component. Report seems to be fine.
    Please suggest how to implement dashboard component for this report.

    1. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      Found an incorrect number of values for the 'Open Support Cases' component. can you please help

  30. "Couldn't find the 'Accounts by Market' report stored in the correct folder". this is the error generated.. kindly sort out this..


    1. same error have you resolved it?

  31. challenge not yet complete here's what's wrong and incorrect source report is assigned to the top accounts component please also make sure the dashboard was recently very fresh

  32. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Residential Sales Correspondence' has the incorrect subject.
    how to solve this

    1. Copy subject From table and simply paste it

    2. which table can you please elaborate what is the subject??????????

    3. I am also facing the same issue
      It says **subject of your choice** in the table. If i put anything or even paste the same its showing the same error as subject is incorrect

    4. it works by just pasting **subject of your choice** as given there. make sure you don't have additional template created on lightning page, it has to be created using classic, also check if Subject is same for html version and text version.

    5. I am also stuck on the same problem. Anyone have it's solution?

  33. Challenge not yet come.... here's what's wrong
    The Account by Market report does not show the correct level of detail
    Can you help me

  34. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The bucket field 'Market' is applied incorrectly.
    I have checked all the previous comments and followed the recommendation but it still doesn't help. My details seem to be correct. Kindly help @Trailhead baby

  35. I am lost, what am I missing - The report 'High Value Residential' is incorrectly organized.

  36. Hlo sir I am getting
    couldn't find a correctly configured grouping of account types called 'market' in the 'accounts by market' report
    How can I resolve that one

  37. Hlo sir ,I am getting below error
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find the 'Accounts by Market' report stored in the correct folder.

    1. same error have you resolved it ?

  38. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a matrix report named 'Accounts by Market'.

  39. Couldn't find the dashboard named 'Team Scoreboard' plz tell what can i do

    1. I am having this same issue when trying to complete my challenge as well.

  40. Problem with matrix report
    Accounts by Market
    First, Gabriela needs a breakdown of the account industry distribution between the utility accounts and the newly imported residential accounts. Create a matrix report (called Accounts by Market) that summarizes account types as rows (called Market) and account ratings as columns. Gabriela wants you to use the following account types (with all other types categorized as "Other"):
    Include accounts of types Customer - Direct and Customer - Channel
    Include accounts of type Residential
    This i have to do.

    But there is no Utility in my pickup list how is that possible? I deleted the matrix i started from the top. I try it in a classic style. Nothing works can somebody helps me?.

  41. Hi please help to solve the billing specialist challenge no 9. The error is in . "Order Automation" flow on decision element

  42. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.

    Here's my error, pls help me

    1. Hello, I'm having the same problem- Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.
      Can you please help me if you have cleared it?

  43. You have put very hard work to write such article. Really informative.
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  44. Such a beautiful content, Please keep posting article like this
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  45. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a matrix report named 'Accounts by Market'.
    Please help with this error.

  46. Im in challenge 5 and getting challenge not yet complete... Here's what's wrong: Couldn't find preconfigured email named 'Residential Sales Correspondence

  47. Hii Friends, I don't why can't i clear this problem, after doing several new attempts to, please help me out.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.

    1. Hello, I'm having the same problem- Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.
      Can you please help me if you have cleared it?

  48. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail. Please provide the solution for this

  49. BAS 4 - Challenge Not yet complete error: The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail".... I cannot get passed this point. No glitches per salesforce. I must be missing a detail but cannot find the issue. Any suggestions? :(

  50. Hi, Iam stuck with Reports and Dashboard..I am getting the error as

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Rated Accounts by State' report does not show the correct level of detail.
    I have no idea where i have done mistake...can anyone help me in this..

  51. Hey There,
    Just add 'Residential' as a type in the filter.

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  53. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The dashboard configuration that allows users to see only their own data is incorrect. can you help?

  54. Couldn't find the 'Accounts by Market' report stored in the correct folder how to resolve this error?

  55. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find a matrix report named 'Accounts by Market'.

    can anyone help me ?

  56. Impressive insights into the role of a business administration specialist! In the ever-evolving business landscape, having robust IT support is crucial. For businesses in Bedford, Total Group stands out as a reliable partner, offering top-notch IT support services. If you're in Bedford and seeking dependable IT solutions, you might want to explore their services Your article highlights the multifaceted nature of business administration, emphasizing the need for seamless IT infrastructure to support these functions effectively.

  57. Please I need help with the "create reports and dashboards". Admin super set.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Couldn't find an "Account Distribution" component that is 6 cells wide by 11 cells high.

  58. Well written! Your article was informative and engaging. I appreciate the effort you put into researching and presenting the information.
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  60. I love the tip about starting with a clean screen when creating reports. It really helps simplify the process. Thanks, Jocelyn
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  61. Great blog! I was stuck with the 'remove all columns' issue before, and this guide is a lifesaver.
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  62. The 'Market' row grouping using a bucket field is such a neat trick! It makes organizing reports so much easier
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  63. Thanks for the reminder about the date range in the Accounts by Market report. It’s easy to overlook, but crucial
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  64. I love that you mentioned the 'show' and 'details' options for the Open Support Cases report. That was exactly the issue I was facing
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  65. These dashboard tips are gold. I always struggle with making my dashboards look good in Lightning, but this post helps a lot
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  66. Rep Scoreboard Dashboard is one of my favorites. Thanks for the tip to make sure users only see their own data so helpful
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  67. I had no idea that creating letterheads was so straightforward. The 'available for use' box tip is really useful.
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  68. Love the tip about folder access settings. It's great to know how to secure my email templates better.
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  69. This blog came at the perfect time. I was having trouble with report grouping, and your tips made everything click

  70. It’s so true that dashboards look so much better in Lightning! I’m definitely going to take your advice and switch to it
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  71. Great job on explaining the report filters! I always forget about them, and this post was a good refresher
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