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Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge - 4,5,6,7

Part of doing the Service Cloud Specialist superbadge is trying new things, so I am putting up picture of new things that I've tried recently.  One of my favorite new things this week was taking a shower with my whole block collection.  Mom put me in the shower, and I sneaked out to grab the block bin and dumped it in.  I'm concerned to share photos because of the slight nudity, however, I can assure you that it was a glorious adventure.  Instead, I'll share my favorite Saturday new thing- walking to the coffee shop for a sprinkle donut!  Back to the superbadge...

Challenge 4 Case Routing
If you haven't taken the Onmi Channel module yet, now is a good time! I kept that particular module open one on screen while I walked through this step.  It is hard to give many hints about this step without giving away too many details - so - the best advice is to read through the challenge and label each step with the corresponding Salesforce term.  (IE - "The channel, Stormy Cases, will route cases...."  This sounds like a Service Channel to me.)   If you get stuck, feel free to leave a comment! 

Challenge 5 Knowledge 
Setting up Knowledge is not hard, per se, but it is a little obnoxious as the Salesforce GUI is archaic looking.  It took a few clicks to figure out how to nest the categories properly.

HINT: Do not create any new fields for this step - use the Question and Answer fields that come standard.

If you have not seen this handy button before, you might want to click on it ---->

There is a little check box that you might find useful to ensure that agents can view articles.

Challenge 6 Automate

You may need to tweak the lighting record page in order to create the Cloud Weather Resolution automated action.  I did more manipulation with the record page than was likely needed - including creating a custom button to close a case. (I'm sure there is a simpler way - but I was ready for a nap and found this method to be quick.) 

HINT: If the "To" field on an email is not auto-populating, it may be that there is not a contact to send the email to.  Aka- Try creating a contact associated with the case. 

Challenge 7 Analytics
You're on your own to create a report and a dashboard....I am going to go take a nap. (jealous?)  
Sad because he doesn't get a donut.


  1. I'm stuck big time at step 6... not able to decipher the cryptical 'automated action'... I feel it's an action but how can I combine an email sending and update record in one action is baffling me... morever what's frustrating me is that I can't select the cloudy weather template in the default template for a 'send email' action

    1. That is frustrating! Start here:

      And check to make sure that your email template is available for use.

  2. Which checkbox I have to checked in Step 5.
    Actually I am getting below error:

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find that Case Agents have access to Knowledge. Ensure Agents have access to Knowledge when viewing a Case."

    Can you please help me, what am I missing?

    1. Look at the page layout and enable knowledge.

    2. I have enabled the knowledge in the page layout but still get the same error... Is there anything else to try?

    3. I have enabled the knowledge in the page layout but still get the same error... Is there anything else to try?

  3. Getting the error message

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the status 'Wrong Queue'. Ensure if an agent picks up a case, but decides it's wrong for them, they can send it back by selecting 'Wrong Queue'.

    1. Have you set up the "wrong queue" status?
      Reference this module-->

    2. the link doesnt work

    3. Even after setting up support proc and presence status. I still get the error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find the status 'Wrong Queue'. Ensure if an agent picks up a case, but decides it's wrong for them, they can send it back by selecting 'Wrong Queue'.

    4. To resolve this issue, I had to insert 'Wrong Queue' also at presence decline reasons.

    5. presence decline works!

    6. Yes it works! Thanks

  4. Hello. I am struggling with this part from step 6.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Recipient field in the email template. Ensure the Cloudy Weather Email Template addresses the Recipient of the email.

    My macro runs with the quick text and email set up but I keep getting the error above when i check the challenge. My email template body is set up like this:

    Hey {!Case.Contact},

    Sorry to hear that your panels aren't generating the power you hoped for. Based on our research, it appears the low power produced is related to the cloudy weather in your area recently. In the worst conditions, Ursa Major panels produce ~25% of maximum power. If you have additional questions, please give us a call and reference case {!Case.CaseNumber}.

    {!Case.OwnerFirstName}, Ursa Major Solar

    1. Two things... try a different merge field for the name. Usually, I'd let you figure it out, but this one is odd- {!}
      And - make sure that you have a contact that is associated with the case.

    2. That's what i was looking for but i couldn't find the merge field for {!} and i used a custom email template so that it would be available to use for the case email action. Did i use the wrong template? Someone was telling me that the visualforce template has the {!} field but that template wasn't available for the action.

    3. Trailhead Baby, THANK YOU SO MUCH!. I got it figured out.

  5. I am also stuck in Challenge 5 with the "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find that Case Agents have access to Knowledge. Ensure Agents have access to Knowledge when viewing a Case". Knowledge Sidebar is enabled in the Cloud Technical team page layout (and in all other layouts) but the message persists.

    Any idea on what else to look for. I've been in this challenge for hours now

    1. Is knowledge....
      * On the lightning page layout?
      * Able to be used on a profile level?

    2. Hi,

      I am stuck with this error:
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text. Ensure the Macro adds the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text to the description.
      Please help

  6. Hello,

    I'm also stuck in challenge 5 with the message "We can't find that Case Agents have access to Knowledge. Ensure Agents have access to Knowledge when viewing a Case". The Cloud Technical team page layout (and all other page layouts) has knowledge sidebar enabled and I can see the knowledge bar in the console.

    Any idea of where to look next?

    Thank you!

    1. Is knowledge....
      * On the lightning page layout?
      * Able to be used on a profile level?

    2. Issue was with the Lightning Page Layout. Thank you!

  7. Hi,

    I have some issues realted to the step 4 (Configure case routing), the error message is : Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall.

    Coild you please help me out?

    1. Read this article- It should answer your question:

      If not, leave some details on your setup of email-to-case. My bet is that you missed one checkbox in the setup.

    2. Thanks for the quick reply :

      still struggling :-( I actually enabled ALL checkboxes in Email-to-Case Settings, but still not working.

      I tested it out to send an email tomy environment, and a case was perfectly created...How can I prodive you some screenhots? Thanks

    3. hmmm... You do not want to enable all of the checkboxes. Have you set up the routing address?

    4. Finally I have enabled only: Enable email-to-case, Enable html email, Set Case source to Email, Enable On-demand Service (over email: Bounce and unauthorized sender action : discard message).

      Yes, routing address: routing name (cloudy Email Routing), Case owner (Basic case organizer), email address (my email address), Verification (Verified)....

      Do I need to change something in the support settings?

    5. Checkboxes: Missing 3 that should be checked. 1 is checked that should not be checked.

    6. Are you sure it is about that? I tried 10 different possibilities.

      Enable email-to-case and Enable on-demand service should be enabled for sure...the rest is just guessing....

    7. My bet is that you are overlooking one line of the instructions: "Maria has recommended that you set up an automated system that will reply to customers on all new cases generated by email..." If you'd like to email a few screenshots to , I am happy to take a look.

    8. Thank you sooo much, you were right! i could pass the challenge, so great to have some experts available like you!

    9. Please let me know what's solve the problem?

  8. Hi im running into an error on Step 4 "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Basic Cases' configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Basic Cases properly.

    I set up the Advanced Cases and Basic Cases Routing Configurations for Omni Channel, and gave advanced cases a routing priority of 1 and the basic cases a priorty of 2. however it seems that whatever is the second priority the challenge cant find. If i change it to Basic cases having priority 1, then the challenge cant find advanced cases.

  9. I'm sure you've done this but is omin-channel enabled? Do your routing configurations tie to the correct queues? There are a few steps to this if you've done all of these things and are still having trouble, I'm happy to take a look at screenshots. (Email to

    1. Hi fixed it. Turns out that i put the incorrect work capacity for Basic Cases so it wasnt finding it. Thanks for the help!

    2. Hey I'm getting this error

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

      could you please help me to solve this error

    3. Hi John,
      Could you please let me know what would be the work capacity for Basic Cases and Advanced cases, i have set it up for 20 each and 100 for overflow configuration, couldn't pass the challenge..

    4. These are not correct... check the challenge instructions

    5. If you are still stuck... .read about Onmi Channel. I had to do a quick refreher on this topic mid-superbadge

    6. I have done set up exactly as mentioned in instructions still getting error can not find advance case setup. Not sure what’s wrong. The only thing I can see from my comments is I have one extra queue in addition to advanced and basic queue which I can not get rid of as it’s linked to chat button. Any way to fix this ?

    7. My set up
      Email to Case
      Enabled omni channel
      Service channel with name stormy cases
      Case assignment rule with 2 entries
      Case auto response rule
      Escalation rule with high priority task
      Set up of public groups and queues with routing configurations = most available and a given capacity for both options
      Presence statuses and configurations with decline option
      Creating case and accepting from omni channel widget on console

      What is missing here ?

  10. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Send Email' macro. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer.
    I have submit in Macro and when i run it I can see it works fine and close the case successfully.

    Not sure what needs to be done, any help..? Thanks a lot in advance.

    1. The first think I would try is to create a case with an email address that is yours... then run the macro to make sure that you get the email. Something a little odd- Have you added the chatter feed/publisher to the layout? You will need it.

  11. Chatter feed and publisher action for email is there, i just tried to add my own email and run the macro and even tho it says it is successful, I am not actually getting the email. not sure how to troubleshoot this tho..@_@

    1. hmmm! I'd like to take a look at what you have if you wouldn't mind sending a few screenshots... I'm sure it's something little!

  12. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find an automated action in the Cloudy Weather template. Ensure you create the Cloudy Weather Resolution automated action.

  13. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find an automated action in the Cloudy Weather template. Ensure you create the Cloudy Weather Resolution automated action. I did add the things mentioned automated action in macro. I am not sure whether its correct or not. Could you suggest how to troubleshoot it ?

    1. I'd start by trying to use it... pull up a case, run the macro... Does it work? If not, I'm happy to take a look at the details of your macro if you would post them as a comment.

  14. Hello,
    I'm stuck on Challenge 7 with a hair-pulling message:
    We couldn't find the correct dashboard metadata. Ensure your Dashboard component Header and Title are correct.
    I'm pretty sure my Dashboard and Report have correct header/title/subtitle, any idea what (obvious?) thing I could be missing?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Could you share what you have for your dashboard/report/etc... and I'll take a look! It's likely something simple like an extra character.

    2. Indeed it was... I checked again while waiting for your asnwer, and I was issing a character at the end of the Title ('Type' instead of 'Types').
      I'm all set now, thank you!

    3. Good to hear!!! A mistake I have made many times as well!

    4. I made the exact same

    5. I can't believe I made that typo too!

    6. ...and me too!! took me 2 hours to undersand that, and without your comment I could have been there forever!! Thanks!!!

  15. Hello, I am also stuck with the same situation as Anonymous May 31, 2019 at 12:12 AM

    Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Send Email' macro. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer.
    I have submit in Macro and when i run it I can see it works fine and close the case successfully.

    Did you find a solution? Thanks a lot because I asked SF support and got this answer which did not help me much. Hi Arthur,

    We see that the marco that you have build should be sending an email from "Email" feed and not from any other feed option. Please add the Email quick action in the page layout for lightning experience in case you dont find it on the feed and let us know if you are still seeing this issue.


    1. The response from Salesforce support was good. If the action is missing from the page layout, it will not show up as an option in the feed. Please reference:

  16. Thanks for getting back to me. I had figured that out in order to build the macro. Problem is however that the macro works fine: it sends out the correct mail template to the case contact person. But trailhead gives an error message back. That is why I referred to the question that was asked to you before on May 31st.

  17. Hi,

    I am stuck with this error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text. Ensure the Macro adds the Cloudy Weather response sent reusable text to the description.
    Please help

    1. I am also stuck with this error

    2. To resolve this when creating the macro click on the details tab then you can edit the case details page in the macro

  18. I am facing issue on challenge 4 as I am not getting fair idea where to start
    I have created all the queues enabled Email-to-case but I need a starting point as where to start

    1. Still stuck? I'd do a quick refresher on Omi-Channel on trailhead...

  19. I have finally managed to get through this stage. The only issue remains that the standard email quick action can be added in the page lay out for the Macro but is not visible in the console in the trailhead org. The macro works without the email button being visible. The custom email button I made was visible instead but was not approved by the Trailhead check. I removed those and then the trailheadapproval was there.

    1. Glad you figured it out! (I made a custom button as well for this one.)

  20. Hello Trailhead Baby,

    Getting Below Error Message on Step 4
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

    I configured both Advanced and Basic Case Configurations But still getting same Error.

    1. Could you share some details of what you have?

    2. Thanks for your Reply but I passed through that step But now I am getting error in Step 7 while validating
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: EVUFSEOY

    3. The worst error! I'd just give it 24 hours then recheck the challenge.

  21. I have all the Data Categories entered correctly (and have reset each page several times) and yet it still gives me this error:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a data category called 'Reimbursements and Payments Topics'. Ensure you create the 'Reimbursement and Payments Topics' for Billing Knowledge articles.

    1. Double check the developer (api) name.

    2. Dont know what was the issue in playground I was using but I created a new one and did all steps again and it worked, I completed the Superbadge Successfully

  22. Hello there,

    I am stuck on Challenge 5...I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:We can't find a data category called 'Billing Topics'. Ensure you create 'Billing Topics' for Knowledge." But I have created this Data Category, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

    1. Do you have "Billing Topics" as a top data category with the 2 sub categories? Click on the category and note the "group unique name" - verify that it is Billing_Topics

  23. Thanks so much for responding. I think I have all the necessary information correct:
    - I have a category called 'Billing Topics' with the correct API name (group unique name)
    - It's active
    - It is assigned to knowledge under the Category Assignments
    - I have the correct sub-categories, which are also active.

    However, I am still receiving this error.

    1. Goodness! I have no idea in that case, but I am happy to take a peek at some screenshots if you want to email them to

    2. @Trailhead baby I am having same error message. I have created also both categories. Billing Topics (Billing_Topics) with Payments and Reimbursements. Also, created Technical Topics (Technical_Topics) with Broken Equipment (Broken_Equipment), Connections & Panel Access (Panel_Access).

      What am I doing wrong.

    3. hmmm This looks good. Is knowledge set up correctly on the page layout?

  24. Hi All,

    Im struggling to complete challege 6.
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Send Email' macro. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer."

    Im not able to add instructions in the macro. Please guide me on this.


    1. I'd do a quick google search on Salesforce Macros- It's a point and click process.

  25. Hi All,
    I am currently stuck at challenge 4. I had enabled 'Email-to-Case' in my because of which, I am getting the following error while trying to complete the challenge. I know, we cannot disable email to case now but any suggestions or work around on how to proceed is appreciated.
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall."

    1. There are two options for email to case. Just make sure you pick the right one:

  26. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

    1. Please provide some detail...all I can get form the comment is that your Advanced Cases routing is not correct:)

  27. Getting the error message

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the status 'Wrong Queue'. Ensure if an agent picks up a case, but decides it's wrong for them, they can send it back by selecting 'Wrong Queue'.

    1. Would you like to share some details of your current configuration?

    2. I was creating 'wrong queue' queue . but i don't know what is next step?

    3. "Wrong Queue" is not a queue. It's a status.

    4. I add wrong queue to Presence Statuses but I still have the same issue.

  28. Hi,
    I am stuck on Challenge 7...I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Type as the first grouping field. Ensure you group report results correctly. "

    my report is looking all correct. I have sent screen shot of my report to . please verify


  29. baby samanwaya

    8:57 PM (3 minutes ago)

    to rebecca

    Hi Trailhead baby,

    I am stuck on Challenge 7...I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Type as the first grouping field. Ensure you group report results correctly. "
    Please help to resolve this.

  30. Hi Trailhead baby,

    I am stuck on Challenge 7...I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Type as the first grouping field. Ensure you group report results correctly. "
    Please help me to resolve

  31. Hi,
    I want to know the resolution for Service cloud specialist badge challenge 7.
    everything looks fine in my account but not able to pass the challenge due to some grouping issue

  32. I am attempting Challenge 7 on the Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge. I tried to rebuild the report in another playgorund but this error occurs agin:
    We can't find the result 'Sort: Descending' in Grouping1. Ensure you group report results correctly.
    Trailhead Baby any idea? :)

  33. I am attempting Challenge 7 on the Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge. I tried to rebuild the report in another playgorund but this error occurs agin:
    We can't find the result 'Sort: Descending' in Grouping1. Ensure you group report results correctly.
    My report: ,
    Thank you in advance :)

    1. 1) Flip the chart around - type as "x" axis, record count as "y", stack by .... I'll let you guess that part :)
      2) I'm showing subtotals, but I doubt it matters

    2. Thx a lot, you gave me nice direction. I had problem with the chart, now everything is correct. I earned the badge ;)

    3. I am getting Error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find a format of 'Vertical Bar Stacked' chart. Ensure you select the correct Chart format." for Challenge 7

  34. Hi there,
    I am struglling with sataus update within a macro. How can you update it as status field is inactive dring recording procedre? I am getting an error in challangee check: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: Ensure Case Status is set directly from the Macro not through a Quick Action, Trigger, Workflow, or Process Builder. Any advice?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. An action can be added to the page layout. It should be put in the activity bar (along with email/call,etc), and you can manipulate these items with a macro.

  35. I am stuck on challenge 5. I have used knowledge 1000 times and have never had anything like this. I enabled knowledge, and as system admin, i checked and verified I have all needed permissions. When I go to edit the page layout, I do not have fields for Question, Answer, Category or Status. What am I missing?

    1. hmmmm I think I just had to drag the filed onto the layout.

  36. stuck on challenge 7 my error is below
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the correct report format. Ensure the Case Reason and Type Analysis report format is SUMMARY.


  37. Hi i am stuck at step 4 with the error"Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly."

    I have created 3 queues,presence configuration for Advanced and basic with correct capacity and routing configurations with priorities as advanced 1 and percentage capacity as 100 and for basic 2 and percentage capacity as 100.Still stuck with same error

    Could you please help me with the issue

    1. Use another way to specify capacity for the routing configurations.

    2. + There should only be 2 queues.

  38. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    Having problem with Challenge 4 with an error message:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Support: Cloudy New Email template. Ensure you have created the Support: Cloudy New Email from the Case email template.

    I already created Email Template with a name Support: Cloudy New Email from the Case.

    1. Is there an "email template" in the "email template" object? If yes, this was created in the wrong place. Start in setup.

      The name of the template should be: Support: Cloudy New Email From Case

  39. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    I am stuck at Challenge 6, can't able to find 'Closed' picklist value in Status field.
    Some changes are done at Challenge 2.
    Can you help how to revert it back and to see Closed status field

  40. We can't find a field called 'Question Long Text Area'. Ensure you create the 'Question Long Text Area' field

    I am getting the above error.Can you pls guide me through. I have enabled the knowledge user check box in the user profile. I dont see any check box under layout properties of Knowledge. I have created data categories and Subcategories and have activated.But have issue with the above error.

  41. Challenge 5 error : We can't find a field called 'Question Long Text Area'. Ensure you create the 'Question Long Text Area' field

    I am getting the above error.Can you pls guide me through. I have enabled the knowledge user check box in the user profile. I dont see any check box under layout properties of Knowledge. I have created data categories and Subcategories and have activated.But have issue with the above error.

    1. Did you find a solution for this?

    2. is there a solution for this, i have the same thing even though i have the field made

  42. By creating separate question and Answer fields in Knowledge,I was able to complete the challenge. :)

    1. I am unable to solve this. What should I do? It still gives me the same error that it isn't found

    2. I have the same problem, been stuck on it for 3 days now

  43. Hi, I am constantly getting "We can't find the Cloudy Weather reusable email. Ensure the Macro uses the Cloudy Weather reusable email for the subject and body." on 6th challenge. The macro itself is working fine. I have added the macro in a new folder & given 'manage' access to the public groups created for this badge as well. But not sure what is causing the macro to not find the email template. Any clues as to what I might be missing?

  44. hi Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

  45. i m at step 4 getting below error
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

    i have done all the setup but . i see one prob in my advance routing configuration i am not able to populate Overflow Assignee. Also when i click on Overflow Assignee no records found window pop up. It is reason i m getting this error.

    1. You do not need an overflow assignee, but you will need two queues. Would you like to share a few more details on how you currently have things set up?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I am having trouble with step 4. I get the following error "Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall." Originally I didn't have that checkbox checked on Email-to-Case but I have since corrected it and deleted and recreated my Routing name "Cloudy Email Routing". I have read every message I can find and have double and triple checked everything I can think of. What can I attach to help diagnose what I am still missing?

    1. Are you sure you want "email to case"? Or "on demand email to case"

    2. I have both Email to Case and On Demand Service enabled on the Email to Case page.

    3. I didn't change anything and retried the "Check Challenge" just now and it worked. I think it must have taken some time to register that I updated the values or something?!?!? Thank you for your time and response.

    4. That happens sometimes.... I've had it take up to 24 hours :(

  48. Hi I am stuck in challenge 6. While I'm trying to create a Macro, and adding Instructions, the Update Case tab under feed tab is not highlighted. I can only click on the Email tab. can you please suggest something?

    1. I have the same problem, I have the same problem, could you solve it?

  49. I'm stuck on Challenge 6, creating the macro. I am able to add the automated email action, but for some reason, cannot add the instruction for updating the case status. I've attempted to use the change case status (quick action) and the status update (mobile & lightning action). I am not sure what I'm doing wrong?

  50. Did you verify that the action is on the page layout...
    Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions

  51. Hi Trailhead Baby, I am stuck in Challenge 6, keep getting error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Send Email' macro. Ensure the Macro sends an email to the customer.
    I have submit in Macro and when i run it I can see it works fine, I get the email and also the case is closed successfully.

    Did you find a solution?

  52. I have logged in as Ada can see everything selecting an article with question and answer field but keeps providing me the error "We can't find that Case Agents have access to Knowledge. Ensure Agents have access to Knowledge when viewing a Case." Does somebody have a thought?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. You have to make the article "Linking SP-100 to SP-200" visible to everyone

  53. Hi there, thank you in advance for your time, very kind of you.

    I am stuck on Challenge 4 - Routing Case Traffic and the error message I am receiving is:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall.

    I have 2 Routing Configurations:

    Advanced Cases with: 'Routing Priority' of 1, 'Routing Model' of Least Active and 'Units of Capacity' of 2.00 - with a 'Related Queue' of 'Advanced Case Organizer'

    Basic Cases with 'Routing Priority' of 2, 'Routing Model' of Least Active and 'Units of Capacity' of 1.00 - with a 'Related Queue' of 'Basic Case Organizer'.

    'Email-to-Case' is enabled and has a Routing Address.
    I have a 'Service Channel' called 'Stormy Cases' (Case object).

    I also completed the Trail: 'Omni-Channel for Lightning Experience' but obviously I didn't fully understand it :(

    Thanks again for your time.

    1. Also, to be honest, I dont think I am understanding the relationship between the 'Service Channel' and... well anything else.

    2. Also, in Email-to-Case Settings, I do have 'Enable On-Demand Service' ticked.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. I am also having exactly same issue, I logged in as Ada and can see knowledge article, but while checking the challenge it keep saying

    We can't find that Case Agents have access to Knowledge. Ensure Agents have access to Knowledge when viewing a Case.

    not sure what I am missing here?
    1. I have given Read Access on Knowledge to Cloud Team Technical Support Profile
    2. In all case page layout I have enabled Knowledge Sidebar in each case page layout

    1. Just Edit Case Record Page and Add Knowledge and then save and dont forget to Activate .its works for me

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  57. Hi!

    Here's the error I'm getting:
    We couldn't find the Advanced Cases configuration. Ensure you set up the routing for Advanced Cases properly.

    I have 2 routing configurations: advanced (least active/units of capacity:2.00/priority:1)
    and basic (most avaliable/capacity:1.00/priority:2)

    I have 3 presence configurations: advanced case organizer(capacity:20), basic case organizer (capacity:20) and overflow(capacity:100) and all of them are avaliable

    I have been re-reading the pre-requistes but I'm stuck big time. Also, my email-to-case and email on demand are checked.


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  59. Hii

    I face some problem while trying to finish this challenge:
    Set report, dashboard, and public list view security settings

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: MQUSLKFA.

    Tried in doing different org too. But not able to finish this challenge .

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. Hello,

    I'm stuck on Challenge 4 with the error:

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Ensure you set up Email Routing to work without having to install the Email-to-Case agent behind a network firewall."

    I've read through the other comments with folks in the same boat and have tried to check all of those things first. I have the Enable Email-to-Case and Enable On-Demand Service checkboxes checked, and tested the whole system and am able to create a case via an email.

    I'm at a loss as to what I could be missing. It seems that some of the 'Send Emails from Cases' settings have been adjusted (the two 'ID Threading' related checkboxes are no longer available in Email-to-Case Setup). I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it?

    Any direction pointing is greatly appreciated!

    1. And of course, I just tested the challenge 4 again and I passed! As you had mentioned, it took right up to 24 hours for that one to process... That's frustrating! I was convinced I was missing something and racked my brains over it. Alas, fingers crossed for the next challenges.

  62. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Support: Cloudy New Email template. Ensure you have created the Support: Cloudy New Email from the Case email template., i tried everything but not able to fix this error

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. This information it’s very helpful and important for me...

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  67. Im struck in challenge 3 we cant find a contact customer case task. Ensure a high priority task is created for the case owner to contact the customer

  68. Nice post thank you Melinda

  69. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the Recipient field in the email template. Ensure the Cloudy Weather Email Template addresses the Recipient of the email. Any solution?

    1. Hey {{!Recipient.FirstName}}, this will work!

  70. Hi, I am facing the this issue " We can't find a format of 'Vertical Bar Stacked' chart. Ensure you select the correct Chart format. " and everything seems to be right. Could anyone help?
    - My report has a Vertical Dar Stacked chart
    - I have checked "Use chart settings from report" on the dasboard
    Thanks in advance

  71. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find an AutoResponse Rule. Ensure you create the Response Rule for inbound emails with the correct name. I am getting this error in challenge 5 : configure case routing

  72. Hi, I am getting an error
    We couldn't find the correct dashboard metadata. Ensure your Dashboard component Header and Title are correct.

    Please help i am so close.

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  74. It sounds like you're really enjoying the process of trying new things, both in and out of your Salesforce journey! Your playful shower adventure with the block collection sounds like a lot of fun, and walking to the coffee shop for a sprinkle donut is a sweet treat for the weekend. As for the Service Cloud Specialist superbadge, your advice on tackling Challenge 4 and Challenge 5 is spot on—labeling each step with the correct Salesforce terminology can make a big difference, and a little patience goes a long way when setting up Knowledge in the sometimes clunky Salesforce GUI. Keep up the great work!


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  79. "Good advice for the Service Cloud Specialist Superbadge! The Omni Channel module is definitely something worth reviewing before diving into Challenge 4."
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  80. "Thanks for the tips! I’ll be sure to avoid creating new fields in Challenge 5 and just use the default ones!"
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  81. "The Knowledge setup sounds like a tricky one. I’m glad you mentioned the archaic UI — I’ve been struggling with that too!"
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  82. "I’ve been stuck on Challenge 5 for a while. Thanks for the tip on the check box for articles visibility!"
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  83. "I totally agree, Challenge 6 took a bit of manipulation, but I love that you made it work with a custom button to close the case!"
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  84. "Your Challenge 6 tip on the 'To' field for emails saved me so much time! I kept getting stuck until I added the contact."
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  85. "The Analytics challenge seems so overwhelming! I can’t wait to dive into that one, but I might follow your lead and take a nap first!"
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  86. "This post is super helpful for anyone working through the superbadge. Keep the tips coming!"
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