This afternoon, I added a genius wig in an attempt to look a little older and more experienced. The free lemonade offer worked! I made two dollars today! A huge thank you to Jocelyn Fennewald , Salesforce MVP, for pointing out the "remove all columns" option within the report creator. When you start a create a new report, simply click to start with a clean screen. If you are familiar with report and dashboards, this challenge should only take 30 or so minutes to complete. Below are tips and gotchas for each report / dashboard. If you need more help, leave a comment! Reports Accounts by Market To create the "Market" row grouping, use a bucket field. Make sure that the correct date range is selected. High Value Residential This report includes: 1 filter, 1 grouping, and 1 summarized field. Rated Accounts by State The record count for state and account rating are automatically added. Note the filter. ...
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