The title of today's post is found within which Trailhead module? If you guess, I'll mail you a prize! I'm starting to crawl and pull up on furniture, so the mailbox is within my reach.
I've been trying to "Migrate to the Lightning Experience" for a few weeks, but I have been stuck one one final module - "Lightning Alternatives to JavaScript Buttons." One tiny section within the module has been driving me crazy! "Discover Lightning Actions." I was getting desperate. I attended - by proxy - the Global Lightning Tour and listened to a whole afternoon about code. By proxy = Mom attended. I slipped a tap recorder into her bag. Sneaky me! Dad gave it to me to play with - buttons! - but I googled how to use it. What an archaic device! At the Tour, I learned all kinds of handy things. How everything is a "component" , html = the foundation of the web, CSS = "the look"... etc... I was still stumped! Finally I went back to the module and read the whole page very slowly -- and it clicked! Let me help you!
Steps to "Discover Lightning Actions" -
- Adding interfaces - Under "Lightining Actions = Smart, Fast, and Mobile" read paragraphs 3 & 4 SLOWLY! Got it? Make sure to insert both interfaces into the correct spot in the code. Use the examples. Save your controller! The developer console looks scary, but this is copy / paste and a simple file-save as. You can do it!
- Create an action - Hint - "Object Manager" has a section labeled "Buttons, Links, and Actions." The action type needs to be changed. Oh look! Lightning Component is an option!
- Add the action to the Account Layout page. Yeah!
Hey there ... "code" is a four letter word comes from the Transaction Security Module/Badge and is found in the: Get Started with Transaction Security Unit within that badge. So.....whats my prize? I hope its not a baby bottle full of milk....could be off by the time it gets to Australia :-)
Hooray! You are correct! While I agree that milk is the best prize, it would be difficult to transport to Australia. Send an email to my mom's work- with your mailing address along with your shirt size. I'll mail a t-shirt!