Top horror stories from people who wished that they had created a Salesforce backup before...
Do not panic- I'll be back to Superbadges next week!
Do not panic- I'll be back to Superbadges next week!
It was her last day. The office breathed a mass sigh of relief as she finally turned in her badge and left. She had not been a popular coworker. Suddenly, sighs turned into shouts as the office realized what she had been doing so intently all day... changing the billing country on random accounts to Elbonia.
He was new to Salesforce and still in training. The Salesforce Admin created his login, but mistakenly assigned the wrong profile. During his first week, one of the company's largest customers directly called his desk. "We aren't using product X anymore, so we would like to drop the product." "Ok," he responded, then, wanting to make a good impression on his coworkers, thought that he could handle the change in Salesforce. He did not see how to remove the product, so he simply deleted the account. His boss was out of the office for an extended vacation and did not see the "FYI" email until after the recycling bin had been emptied.
Deployment day had a festive feel for the sales team. The office closed at 3, and everyone moved to a local restaurant for happy hour. The IT team started as soon as sales left. The code had been tested thoroughly in advance, and no issues were expected. An hour after deployment, the VP of Sales received a frantic call from the top salesperson. "All of the international phone numbers are wrong!" Yes, all phone numbers had been standardized as planned, but without accounting for country codes and extensions. Oops.
Two business partners shook hands then planned to go separate ways. One left with the tools division, while the other planned to start his own equipment business. Both partners had been using Salesforce to manage all accounts. Neither partner was skilled at planning. The day of the breakup, one partner lost Salesforce access and was unable to view any customer data. His business failed in two weeks. If only he had created a backup...
The lead developer was exhausted on Friday morning. With two new babies (twins!) and a sick five year old, all he could think about was finishing the workday early in order to take a well-deserved nap. He was testing some new code in his company's full sandbox when he realized that he was actually logged into production. He corrupted 10,000 opportunity records within 5 minutes... no nap today!
A Salesforce backup & recovery solution is not optional! Need help finding a partner? Check out:
Happy Halloween from the Trailhead Baby
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