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Lightning Experience Rollout Specialist Superbadge - 5 & 6

Prepared this time
Challenge 6

Creating the "Key Sales Data" app was tricky because of my failure to look at the whole page.  I missed the "actions" section on the bottom right!
By the time that I found the "actions" section, I had created a "Key Sales Data" home page, a "Key Sales Data" object....etc.  What a mess!   Start with an "App Page"!

Pesky Paloma requires an awfully high amount of personal customization!  Before you create the New Lightning App specifically for her, make sure to read the challenge requirements in order to generate the correct API name.

Errors & Solutions:

There was an unhandled exception. Please reference ID: VRVEIUZR. Error: Faraday::ClientError. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 2
Solution: I had near-duplicate API names.  Key_Sales_Data and Key_Sales_Data3 were two API names of lightning pages.  "Key_Sales_Data3" was creating the error.  I changed the API name.  Problem solved!  If you see this error, search for a duplicate API name. 

Didn't find the All Lusso Scarpe Employee group record page
Solution: Create the chatter group and create the lightning record page.   A hint: to create the group, you will not  be in setup! 


  1. I am getting following error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Didn't find a Lightning page named Key Sales Data. This page must include: 1. List of new Accounts this week, 2. Recent items showing an "Opportunity", "Lead" and "Contact", 3. Log A Call and New Opportunity actions. Don't use the CreateOppty custom Lightning component for this challenge.

    I have created 'Key Sales Data' lightning page(App page) and have added List view of account, Recent items for Contact, Lead, Opportunity, And Log A Call and New Opportunity actions.

    Please help.

    1. Hello Udayan,
      Silly question- but have you activated the page?
      If so, check the API name for the page to ensure that it is correct. The API name should default to "Key_Sales_Data"

      Next, open the Key Sales Data page (not from setup) and verify that you have the correct elements:
      * An easy to miss item- note the criteria on the account list view from the instructions

      If you are 100% sure that you have all of these elements, email a screen shot to my mom's email:
      I am happy to take a look at it.

    2. Hi,
      I have mailed the screenshots to ''. Please check your mail.
      Thank you.

    3. Screenshots received! I'll take a look at them today.

    4. A few hints:
      (I emailed you as well)

      On the Key Sales Data Page- you can view recent contacts, opportunities, and leads all from one Lightning component.

      To add actions to an App Page- such as log a call - look in the lower right of the App Builder screen. It is an easy-to-miss option.

  2. I get the same error although with a different id every time. I have deleted and recreated each part of Challenge 6 to try to narrow it down without luck.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: REYHZQFV

  3. Hello Frank,
    I hate to say it, but I don't have any idea what would prompt this particular error message beyond what the message states. Did you start this superbadge with a new / fresh Playground? I assume so. It is going to be a pain, but I would recommend creating a Trailhead Playground and re-creating the step.

    1. It was a facepalm moment. I entered the Group Description in the Information field. Meaningful & helpful error message = cold dinner after the little one has gone to bed thanks to wasted time.

    2. I am glad that you found the issue! I would never have guessed that. Such a helpful error message.

  4. This one is stumping me....and it's just a Chatter group for cryin' out loud!

    I'm getting an error:
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The All Lusso Scarpe Employee group page must display the following information on the right side of the page: recommended groups and individuals to follow, and the most popular topics currently under discussion."

    I have those items on the page layout but they don't show up when I save the page and go back to view the group. I don't know why they won't show up. If I figure it out...I'll just reply here.

    1. One silly question - Did you create the record page for Chatter in lighting? Is it activated as the org default? (I suppose that's 2 questions!)

    2. Oh this is weird...(Yes, I created the page in Lightning and I activated the page as the org default). I launched another playground and tried it there (it bombed because I didn't have all the stuff built). I went back to my original playground and ran the check again (my lovely wife is getting tired of me working I'm desperate) and se viola! It worked!

      Absolutely no idea why. It still doesn't show up on the page when I view it...but the wizard has sent me on to Step 7...

    3. So glad to hear that it went through! This is odd! (However- I can say that I had a similar problem on the trail used to re-up the admin certification. I know for a fact that my lightning page was correct... but the challenge kept bombing. I waited overnight and checked it again...passed. I wonder if it's a lightning thing....)

    4. I'll ask around. My old boss is a director for Trailhead. At the very least, he should know it's happening.

    5. So strange, I just had the exact same issue. I seem to have everything correct but I'm getting that error. I guess I'll wait and see if it works tomorrow?

  5. Even though I created the page (as a lightning app), added the actions, I am still getting the error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Didn't find a Lightning page named Key Sales Data. This page must include: 1. List of new Accounts this week, 2. One list of recent items showing an "Opportunity", "Lead" and "Contact", 3. Log A Call and New Opportunity actions. Don't use the CreateOppty custom Lightning component for this challenge.

    Is there anything else, a little detail perhaps that I am missing? I've added all the items to one single component and also added the actions as described on the previous comments. I have been stuck on this issue for several hours.

    1. Ok! Just to verify- You have a "app page" with a unique name of "Key_Sales_Data" ?
      I'd bet that the problem is using 1 component... Tru using 2 plus the two actions.

  6. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Didn't find a Lightning app named Communications. This Lightning app must include the items that Paloma uses regularly. Paloma must be able to access the app.

    i have created 'Communications' Lightning app and added Account, Chatter, Report, Dashboard make it default app for Paloma Espinoza user's Profile .. also login as a Paloma Espinoza app is there but dont know why i am getting this error in Trailhead

    1. Check to make sure that the developer name of the app is "Communications"

  7. Hey there, I am having the same issue that many have run into above, have triple checked and don't know what I'm missing. For challenge 6, I get the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Didn't find a Lightning page named Key Sales Data. This page must include: 1. List of new Accounts this week, 2. One list of recent items showing an "Opportunity", "Lead" and "Contact", 3. Log A Call and New Opportunity actions. Don't use the CreateOppty custom Lightning component for this challenge."

    1) I have created an App page with the name Key_Sales_Data
    2) It is activated and made available to both the Custom: Sales profile and the Sales App
    3) I have added the Recent Items Lightning Component with the Lead, Opportunity and Contact objects selected
    4) I have added the Log A Call and New Opportunity actions using the Actions selector at the bottom right hand of the page editor
    5) I added a list view component for New Accounts this week (and New Accounts Last Week)

    Can you think of what I am missing?


    1. What you have looks fantastic.... You don't need the list view for New Accounts Last Week.

      Is the Label: Key Sales Data ?

  8. Hey there, I am now also getting the following message:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Didn't find the All Lusso Scarpe Employee group record page.

    I created the group and the Lightning Record Page (Lightning_Group_Page). Any idea why the challenge might not be working?

    1. Check the label and name of the page... vs the instructions

    2. Thanks! I have the API name for the Lightning page as All_Lusso_Scarpe_Employees. Is this incorrect? The Label is "All Lusso Scarpe Employees."

    3. hmmm I am looking at something more like "Group_Record_Page"


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