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Lightning Experience Specialist Superbadge - 1 & 2

For you - my favorite blog reader...

Today I start on what will likely be a rather painful journey - completing the Lightning Experience Specialist Superbadge a second time.  Why?  This was my first superbadge, and my posts were not as detailed as they should have been.  I want to help by bringing better documentation to this difficult Superbadge.  Thank you Salesforce for making it tricky!

Let's get started by completing the prework:
Install the unmanaged package and rename the standard objects. 

Unsure how to rename a standard object?
  • Search for Rename Tabs and Lables within the Setup menu

It's a quiz, so I'll let you tackle that one on your own.

If you already completed the pre-work, skip directly to assigning the default page layouts.

A hint:
After selecting "Page Layout Assignment," you can use SHIFT + click to select all of the profiles and assign en masse.

Unfortunately, I do not have a quick way to deactivate the old opportunity stage values and add new ones.  It simply requires a lot of clicking.  Remember to create the sales process after adding the new stages before you dive into the furry of copy / past that is path creation.

The final step is crafting an approval process.  The requirements are fairly basic- one approver plus two field updates.  I am happy to help if you get stuck!

I'm not a fan of the Santa hat!


  1. I am stuck on this challenge 2 "Approval for Package Deal" process. I am getting the message: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Approval for Package Deal' approval process does not appear to be working properly. Please check the requirement to ensure your process is configured correctly."

    I am unsure as to what is correct for Step 2, 5, and 6. Any additional pointers or help would be appreciated.

  2. Hello! I am happy to help, but I'll need a bit more details.
    (I do not know what you mean by - Step 2, 5, and 6... If you mean challenges 2, 5, and 6, then I'd recommend starting on a different superbadge. This is a pretty tough superbadge comparatively. If you would like to share your thoughts on your top Salesforce skills, I'm happy to recommend a superbadge that may be a good fit!)

    The error message indicates that the Approval Process is not set up correctly. There are a few things I would check:
    * The gut check- Is the process named correctly? (Ie- Approval for Package Deals" will not pass... the name has to be exact.)
    * Is your entry criteria for the process set up per the instructions?
    * Did you make the field adjustment (see the 3rd paragraph of the "Opportunity Discount Approvals" section of the instructions.
    * Do you have the correct person selected to approve the opportunity discount?

    1. Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry for the confusing post. I have a fair amount of experience with Salesforce (couple years) and already have a couple Superbades under my belt.

      I will look at your suggestions then follow up with another post for either the success of this Challenge, or with additional questions.

    2. I hope to hear that you passed! If not, I'm happy to assist!

    3. Well I did pass..... I was trying to make it to complicated. I needed to make a correction in the Approval Process which I had overlooked and found in my double checking this morning. I edited the "Approval Steps' and went to "Step 3" which needed to be set to "Related User Opportunity Owner."

      I had initially left the default setting of "Let the submitter choose the approver manually" checked in this Step 3. As soon as I made the correction and pressed Check Challenge it passed. Thanks so much for your help.

  3. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Approval for Package Deal' approval process does not appear to be working properly. Please check the requirement to ensure your process is configured correctly.

    i am getting this error in challenge 2

    1. Could you provide some details about what you have in your approval process?

  4. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Approval for Package Deal' approval process does not appear to be working properly. Please check the requirement to ensure your process is configured correctly.

  5. i wish you put in bitm ore details given this is what people look for coming to your logs .. i am not saying spoon feeding but this sounds more of what you have achived rather than be of actual help

    1. If you would like additional assistance, the Salesforce developer community has many threads that may be helpful. I am happy to assist if you have a specific question- I just try not to give away too much of the challenge.

  6. for e.g . whats this supposed to mean

    Adventure Package (Opportunity Product object renamed)—vacation, adventure, or excursion associated with a sales opportunity, including the explorer who is taking the adventure and the date of the adventure (use ServiceDate field)--- where is this field? am i supposed to use this a formula on this object? or lokup from opportunity?

    1. No fields are created for this step of the superbadge. Are you on step 2?

  7. I´m Stuck in the challenge 2

    When I put to validate the system say:

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c, Discount_Percent_Status__c]: [Discount_Percent__c, Discount_Percent_Status__c]"

    But I have created the approval process with the condition the are grather than 25%

    1. The error says that required fields are missing...but both of the fields that are showing as missing - discount percent and discount percent status - are not fields that should exist in your playground... I assume that you created these. No few fields are needed for this challenge. It will use a standard field plus the updated stage values on a custom object.

  8. How do I rename standard objects?

      (Kidding! Did you laugh?)

      Check out this post for your answer:

  9. Hi

    I hope you can help me. I am stuck on step two. When building the report cross filter that gets the accounts without opportunities, there is no option for me to choose the 'add opportunities filter' of solarbot. The closest I have is solarbot models?

  10. agh! I just figured it out - thank you!

  11. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Opportunity Product object has not been renamed to Adventure Package.

    Tab: Adventure Package
    Language: English
    *Singular: Adventure Package
    *Plural: Adventure Packages (also tried with adventure package in singular)

    1. Did you check the box to "start with vowel sound"?

    2. hmmm. Then you've stumped me...for now! Would you be able to share a few screenshots so I can take a deeper look? Email to

    3. Thank you, yesterday I disconnected and tried again today, and without making any changes it has worked..I don't know what the problem could have been

  12. What are the custom fields and Its data type required in fulfillment custom Object?

  13. What are the custom fields and Its data type required in "fulfillment" custom Object?

    1. Hi AJ,
      I am happy to look at what you have if you would leave a comment.... but I do not give out full answers :)

  14. Hello,
    I'm stuck at "wrong values for picklists" but I've tried 4 times and used Copy/Paste each time so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... Any idea? Thank you!

    1. Hmmm.... Could you share a few details... This might be a good screenshot thing- if you want to email me a few-

  15. Okay so I tried again and it worked. No idea what happened though.

  16. I cannot figure out the criteria for the Approval process. I selected Opportunity Stage equals Schedules AND I don't know.... Somehow I think I should have chosen Opportunity Discount but when do I select the Opportunity Stage? (Challenge 2)

  17. I have the Name in and the API name along with selecting the Opportunity Owner. However, in the "Specify Criteria" section, I have no clue as to what to input. I thought I would do Opportunity Stage equals Scheduled, but that seems wrong. Please help.

  18. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Opportunity Product object has not been renamed to Adventure Package.
    Please help me


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