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Lightning Experience Specialist Superbadge - 3 & 4

Quiz time! Once you take the Lightning Experience Rollout quiz, here are a few bonus questions:

Trailhead Baby's favorite gingerbread house decoration is:
a) icing
b) a gumdrop
c) the gingerbread man

When Trailhead Baby is not brushing up his Salesforce skills, you can usually find him:
a) Sleeping
b) Chasing the dog
c) Eating Cookies

Trailhead Baby started playing on Trailhead at age:
a) Two months
b) Six months
c) Ten months
Did you answer all B's?  You win!

Fulfillment Creation - This one is tough!  The field values for the fulfillment record creation are particularly tricky.  Here are a few screenshots of the most tricky parts with annotations in case you get stuck:

Overall View

Node (the "diamond" shape)

New Fulfillment Record
Reviewing A Fulfillment Record


  1. TOO CUTE! My kids are 18 and 21 now...they ask for FitBits and horseback riding lessons instead of gingerbread houses... :)

  2. Hey I followed you screenshots, but I'm still getting this error:

    Error Occurred: The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Product2.Expedition_Leader__r.Id because it hasn't been set or assigned.

    1. In the "create a record" step, what field do you have associated with [Opportunity.Line.Item].Product2.Expedition_Leader_c?

    2. The "_r" is an issue, as Trailhead will be looking for the exact API names for the fields. The correct API name should end with "_c" by default.
      Did you rename the API name while creating the field?

    3. No I just couldn't find the "_c" one before. I don't think I had scrolled down enough. I rebuilt the create a record section and it's creating a record now. I also didn't have the "related to" field in the task before. So now I just need to figure out what else Trailhead thinks is missing. Thanks!

  3. Thank you, this blog is a lifesaver (i walked into the same trap as Nisha - selected the lookup wrongly) :)

  4. Where is the complete solution. Many steps are missing. Thanks anyway

    1. Hello! I do not provide complete solutions. This is against Trailhead's policy plus it takes away the challenge of a superbadge. If you have a particular question, I'm happy to help!

    2. I am still getting an error as follows -

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

      The changes I have done is as per the screenshots

    3. I landed into error even after double checking -

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

      The Process created is active though ;)

    4. Hey there! Sorry for the slow reply!
      I did not post all of the steps - Have you set up an action to update the opportunity?

      The 2 records have to be created, 2 records updated, plus the chatter post...

      Are you struggling with a specific step of this?

    5. It finally worked last week. Thank you!

  5. HELLO
    I am getting the following error

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, The record couldn’t be saved because it failed to trigger a flow. A flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version ID 3016F000000YMgm. Flow error messages: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow
    An unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Please contact your system administrator for more information. Contact your administrator for help.: []

    Can you please help me with this error

    1. As a node criteria, add a condition to make sure that the Explorer value is not null.
      This article explains why:

    2. Why we have to add the criteria "Explorer value is not null"?

    3. Reference:

  6. Hello, I have completed the steps above as you specified in the screen shots and am still getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements."

    Many other answers posted use two Nodes and I was wondering if in the complete answer you had multiple nodes?

    Other Answers:

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if some people have split the process into two nodes... I have, however, completed this superbadge twice. I only used 1 node for the fulfillment creation process. This process is tricky though because there are a ton of field values that have to be associated correctly in order to create a fulfillment record. If you would like to share what you have, I'm happy to take a look at it.

    2. How could we let you see own answers so you can take a look at them please?

  7. I am stuck on the Record Update step for the Opportunity, to update Needs Insurance/Needs Waiver fields. I can't seem to find them anywhere...but I also can't seem to find a step that I missed. I've checked the schema and the relationship is there, plain as day...this should be easy. Yet, I try to find those fields to update the values from the Adventure Record to the Opportunity they're not available.

    Action Type: Update Record
    Action Name: Update Opportunity (Needs Insurance/Waiver)
    Record Type: Select a record related to OpportunityLineItem
    (Note: I'm looking into the Adventure obj from here)

    I feel like I'm close, I'm just missing something simple. Any direction would be greatly appreciated.


    1. Hi John,
      This one is tricky. Instead of the record type "OpportunityLineItem" - try digging clicking one level deeper. Technically you don't want to update the OpportunityLineItem...but you do want to update the opportunity itself. A line item is tied to an opp by the unique identifier that each record has. (Got it??)

    2. Well, you would think that would be enough information to get me unblocked. However... :-)

      If I go one level deeper to Opportunity via the OpportunityID I still don't see those fields (Insurance and waiver). My click-path is:
      Record Type: Select a record related to OpportunityLineItem -> OpportunityID and there's no access to the Insurance or Waiver fields from the opportunity this way. However, those fields live on that obj...I can see them in the schema.

    3. Oh dear....Now I understand why you said "...try digging clocking one level deeper." I needed to pick the OpportunityID field in the Record Type section...then I can build the logic for updating one record/field data from the other. I think I've got this now.

      Thank you so much!

    4. woohoo! Good to hear! If you get stuck again - just let me know!

  8. I can not find the Opportunity line Item.ServiceDate in the drop down for the field relationship for schedule Date. I have everything else exactly as your screen shots show, so I know the only reason I am getting the error is the above difference

    1. hmmm Do you have a "servicedate" field on the opportunitylineitem object? This should be there as a part of the package install.

    2. Try searching for "Date" instead of "ServiceDate"..Hope that helps!!

    3. Try searching for "Date" instead of "ServiceDate"..Hope that helps!!

    4. Try searching for "Date" instead of "ServiceDate"..Hope that helps!!

  9. Hi, I have read so many comments about your post helping people pass the challenge and after I got my first error I checked with you answers and I dont know what Im doing wrong :(
    could you please take a look

  10. Hello.
    I'm getting this error. Could you help me please?Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Fulfillment Creation” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Expedition Leader: id value of incorrect type: 0031i000006L9QOAA0. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 1691349960-156685 (992864084): []

    1. Could you check the reference of the Expedition Leader within your process.... make sure that it is pointing towards [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.ExpeditionLeader__c?

    2. Hello, Thanks for your anwer. Yes, I've checked and its correct. I will start over in another Trailhead Payground.
      Thanks a lot

    3. I passed it!! I checked again [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.ExpeditionLeader__c
      You were right!! Thanks a lot!

  11. For the life of me I can not find [opportunitylineitem].Id? I only have [opportunitylineitem].opportunity.Id. I feel like this is the only thing holding me up at this check point. Any assistance would be appreciated.

    1. Question: Have you started "create a record" type of fulfillment? If so, the field reference should default to Opportunity Line Item...then scroll all of the way to the bottom.

    2. Spartanman, I had this same problem. There's nothing in the list when you go to choose the Value which is just "ID". You have to choose "Line Item ID", and on doing so it will show up in the field as [OpportunityLineItem].Id , like she has in the screenshot.

      This was driving me crazy!

  12. Sorry for the delayed response. It is a create record type and the only options are Opportunity ID. When I go back to the Object manager for the Adventure Package (AKA Opportunity Line Item), I only see Opportunity ID. Do I need to add a field?

    1. No need to add a field- it's there. All records have a record ID. If you would like to send a screenshot, I can give some pointers.

    2. Same issue. Can't find "Id" field in opportunity line item object. I tried this challenge so many times but couldn't complete it. I tried by creating a custom "Id" field but then again, you said we don't have to create any new fields in order to complete this challenge. HELP ME PLEASE!!!

    3. The Value list will only show object "Labels". The screenshots all reference the object "APIs". For instance, to get .Id, you have to select "Line Item ID" from the list, and to get .Product2, you have to select "Adventure".

      Good luck

  13. hi i have tried everything, i have read many forums, and it seems i have everything in order, still i get the same error.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

    can you help me out? In my configuration i have the same configuration in the Node, New fullfilment and create task. Besides the same as you, i have this,

    Update record:
    Record: [Opportunity.Line.Item]OpportunityID
    Needs Insurance - Field Reference - [Opportunity.Line.Item].Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
    Needs Waiver - Field Reference - [Opportunity.Line.Item].Product2..Needs_Waiver__c

    Update adventure package
    Record: [Opportunity.Line.Item]
    Field: Fullfilment Created - Boolean- True

    1. On this one- There should be 4 immediate actions and one scheduled action. I do not see an issue with what you have here.... Are you sure on the task creation fields? There should be 5 field values set when you create the task.

  14. Hi,
    The object field values are not all popping up as I enter them. For example, I'm missing Product2 fields. How should I fix this?

    1. Yuck! What a frustrating problem. I ran into the same issue when trying to create the field references. The best solution that I found was to just keep drilling down from relationship to relationship until I found what I needed. Remember- Adventure is the "product" and... this is a fun one....
      * "product ID" under the select a field menu, will show up as "product2id" under the "value" column in the process.

  15. Good job buddy. Completed successfully finally. Proper field values in the screen shots helped!

  16. I am facing same issue as "Spartanman". I am not able to find [opportunitylineitem].Id.

    1. You just have to drill down until you find it, I'm afraid. ... There isn't a good work around that I know of. If you cant' find it in 20 minutes or so, let me know and I'll do some research.

  17. Thank you for helping without giving the complete answer! I get the error hint to "check your action that updates the Opportunity". I'm assuming this means that I've created the record correctly. I've made sure to update the Opportunity Line Item ID with the waiver and insurance field references, and in a separate action I've updated the Opportunity ID with the state to created and the created field to true. These are all in the immediate actions and I have no idea where I'm going wrong :(

  18. Ahaaa!!! about 30 minutes and a LOT of nitpicking, I realised the direction of my waiver and insurance updates was wrong.. :) Got it now! Thank you for the inspiration.

    1. Hi! Do you mind sharing any hints on how to fix this? I'm getting same error and I have all same fields.. Any pointers would be helpful I've spent hours fixing it. I'm not sure if I would have to change the Record?

  19. There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Fulfillment Creation” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0062v00001C9L9bAAF. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 852748310-174178 (-1137041356): []
    I am getting this error and i have specified the entry criteria as explorer__c not equal to null

    1. The entry criteria for the process? There should be 3 criteria total to enter into the process. (One of them is the explorer_c is not null)

  20. Thanks for the help! Those field mappings were such a pain to find with the vague table of instructions.... but your screen shots were invaluable to double check that I got the right ones (I definitely did not select the right one for a few of the more misleading names). This was the very first superbadge challenge that I got right off the bat without any painful debugging!

  21. I am absolutely stumped at the "double check the explorer data is properly mapped to the fulfillment record" and where and HOW to do that. I'm only using ONE node to complete this challenge. Help!

    1. That is the tricky part of this challenge. The fields on the new fulfillment records are populated from the Adventure Package record - 7 field references. You will need to know which value on the adventure package should populate each fulfillment fields. I'd start by making a list on paper!

  22. Hello TB. Thanks so much for your assistance with this difficult step of the superbadge. I have a question/issue regarding the step:

    "Schedule a chatter post for the opportunity owner for 14 days from today."

    When selecting: Post to -> User -> Select a user from a record, I cannot find the Opportunity Owner Id. I checked just about every list and sublists. Thanks!

    1. Try routing through opportunity line item to get to the owner of the opp.

    2. There is nothing like a fresh mind after a good nite's sleep 😇

      I just passed this challenge. For everyone's benefit, this is how I found/mapped the owner id in the final step (post to Chatter):

      Opportunity ID >
      Owner ID >
      User Id

      Yes, folks, the good ole user id of the owner, right? A "Ground Control to Major Tom" kinda moment. I saw it yesterday, knew that it was it, but then decided to take a break.

  23. Hi, I spent a reasonable amount of time on this challenge. The step where I am stuck is mapping fulfillment fields with Adventure package and product fields. I can't find the "Id" field so I created one and completed the challenge(Error). One of your comment says, there's no need to create new fields to complete this challenge. How to proceed?

    However when I created "Id" field and checked the challenge I was getting errors like :
    1. FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0062v00001C9L9bAAF. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 852748310-174178 (-1137041356): []
    2.The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

    1. Odd! The "record ID" is a unique 15/18 digit number that Salesforce assigns to each record. You do not create new fields for the challenge. I expect what may have been overlooked.... Adventure Package = Opportunity Line Item

  24. The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

    Ok, this is driving me crazy. Was sure I had it right first time. Tested it manually first and everything worked perfectly (or seemed to). It created and updated all records and chatter action showed in paused flow interviews. I've been looking at it three evenings now. I'm probably going to kick myself when someone tells me what's wrong but time for some cavalry please. I've opted for you as, like me, you went for the singe node approach.

    If you don't mind taking a look, would you prefer I post or email my full workings?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Let's take a look via email if you don't mind-

    2. Thanks Rebecca, actually have passed this stage just now. I fully deleted the process (and previous versions) and started the process over. I re-entered everything as I had before but noticed one thing. It says "Update the Adventure Package Fulfillment Creation field to true" but noticed on the form there are actually two fields that relate to this, Fulfillment Created and Fulfillment State. So I set Fulfillment State to Created and as before set Fulfillment Created to True. Whether it's was because I recreated the process or whether it was because I added this other field I don't know it passed this time!

    3. Glad to hear that you passed! woohoo! I would raise a glass of bubbly to you....but Mom says I'm only allowed to have apple juice.

  25. This worked well for me! Thank you thank you so much!! :)

  26. Hi Rebecca,

    After a month of struggling (not proud of that), I asked for help in the Trailhead community. I keep being sent to this page. I suspect what I know what I'm doing wrong. I just don't know how to fix it.

    The error I receive is:
    Error element myPreWaitDecision_myWait_myRule_1 (FlowDecision).
    The flow failed to access the value for myVariable_current.Opportunity__r.StageName because it hasn't been set or assigned.

    In the Check Opp Stage/Fulfillment, my first condition is:
    Yet, when I run the check on the challenge, somehow it is changed to:
    I suspect it should be:
    I don't know how to make that an option in my process builder. Do I have a object reference wrong somewhere?

    I saw your post from March 2018, but I'm not sure if it's the same issue:
    The "_r" is an issue, as Trailhead will be looking for the exact API names for the fields. The correct API name should end with "_c" by default.
    Did you rename the API name while creating the field?

    I didn't rename Opportunity, and mine does have the "__c" when I save & activate the process.

    I've deleted everything and started over, but that field reference won't work properly. If you know, would you please help me fix my process?

    Thanks so much.

    1. When creating the field reference.....
      Field: Opportunity Line Item > "OpportunityID > Stage

      Is this what you have?
      The "__c" indicates a custom object, and this should use the standard opportunity object. It looks- just from what I see in the comment, that you may have created a custom opportunity object?

    2. Ah, I was using Opportunity, not OpportunityID. I presumed OpportunityID would lead to "[OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityID.StageName" but it didn't.

      Challenge 4 completed! You have been a godsend! Thank you SO much! A month of frustration, and I may now move onto step 5! I can't thank you enough! Onward!

    3. Hi Rebecca, I am currently trying to get pass challenge 4 i have taken a look at your screenshots and I have everything the way it should be but I keep getting an error Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Check your action that updates the Opportunity.
      I have things the way you exactly have it. i am so unsure of what is going wrong

  27. Hi Rebecca after taking another look i am also seeing that people are adding the package field from the record type Fulfillment but i do not have that field available to me

    1. I'm a little confused. Fulfillment is an object, and there are no record types. The Adventure is a field on the fulfillment record. Could you share a few more details?

  28. Hello- Can you help explain why you need -Opportunity/Explorer is Null- FALSE.
    I understand all the other operatives but do not understand why this one is needed. I think I have issues with understand NULL and also understanding how Explorer relates to the fulfillment criteria?

  29. Hello, i've followed all the steps confirmed that I have the correct fields and still get this error. I am getting this message...

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Adventure Package” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0066g00001BLPlmAAH. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 1645161520-94279 (-1779685733): []

    1. Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0066g00001BLPlmAAH. - I'd bet this is where you can find the error. I would start with double checking the field references the task creation.

  30. Hello TB,

    Im Stuck on this over a month.

    Here is how i did.

    Object - Adventure Pack

    1. NODE:

    Criteria ~ Conditions are met

    a) [OpportunityLineItem]Opportunity.StageName Does not equal Chancelled
    b) [OpportunityLineItem]Fulfillment_Created__c Equals FALSE
    c) [OpportunityLineItem]Explorer__c Is null TRUE

    Immediate Actions:

    1 - Create a record:

    a) Adventure Package ID [OpportunityLineItem].Id
    b) Adventure Package Cost [OpportunityLineItem].TotalPrice
    c) Adventure [OpportunityLineItem].Product2Id
    d) Expedition Leader [OpportunityLineItem]Product2.Expedition_Leader__c
    e) Explorer [OpportunityLineItem]Explorer__c
    f) Fulfillment Name [OpportunityLineItem]Product2.Name + "_" + [OppLineItem].ID
    g) Opportunity [OpportunityLineItem]OpportunityId
    h) Schedule Date [OpportunityLineItem].ServiceDate
    i) Status Picklist ~ New

    2. Update Record

    Record: [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId

    No criteria just update!

    a) Needs Insurance [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Insurance__c
    b) Needs Waiver [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Needs_Waiver__c

    3. Update Record 2

    No Criteria just Update!

    Record - [OpportunityLineItem]
    a) Fulfillment Created ~ Boolean ~ TRUE

    4. Create a Task

    Record Type ~ TASK

    a) Assigned to Id [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.OwnerId
    b) Related to Id [OpportunityLineItem].OpportunityId
    c) Status Not started
    d) Priority Normal
    e) Subject Check on these

    5. Chatter Post

    Scheduled 14 Days from Now

    Post to : User ~ Select from Record ~ [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.Owner.Id





    I did doublecheck so often.

    I tried so many other ways and even tried to Split into 2 Nodles.

    Error i get is:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

    Thanks in advance.

    Greeting Marcel

    1. a) [OpportunityLineItem]Opportunity.StageName Does not equal Chancelled ---> incorrect spelling.
      c) [OpportunityLineItem]Explorer__c Is null TRUE ----> Incorrect.

      I just scanned through the first bit of what you have.... Do a double check on the field reference values.

    2. Thanks for the quick respond.

      Actually that's my bad.

      The first one i did spell like in your Screenshot which is:

      [OpportunityLineItem].Opportunity.StageName ~Does not Equal ~ Chancelled

      Just forgot to Mention the Dot on the beginning if it's that what you mean.

      For the Explorer__c did alredy changed it back to "False" still not passing the Challenge.

      I did just change it to True because some people said so in other Topics.

      However i did DoubleCheck a total of maybe 12 Hours straight forward.

      Every Dot and Every "Name" is fitting.

      I really get lost in this challenge...

    3. Chancelled is not a word. Or a stage name.

    4. Cancelled* sorry english isn't my nativ language

  31. Hello there,

    i got some problems to pass challenge 4 aswell.

    I did create the Fulfillment Creation Process and Process seems to be working also.

    But somehow i can't pass this challenge. So i did doublecheck every single part of the progress and then finally wrote a ticket to the trailhead support.

    Their answer was:
    --- New Comment ---

    I have verified your process builder and Fulfillment record name is not correct. Please verify the format again and make changes as per the requirement and then verify the challenge.

    Please note, Superbadges are part of credentials and we are not authorized to share any solutions. If you are still seeing this issue, we recommend you to post this error message in our Trailblazer community.

    So process seems to be right but somehow the Name of the Fulfillment Record is false.

    But i did name it "fulfillment creation" as the challenge says.

    Would appreciate any tips or tricks that lead me to pass this challange.

    Im stuck there for like a week.

    Thanks in advantage.

    1. How do you create the name of the fulflllment record? Hint: It is a combination of 2 fields.

    2. Fulfillment Name - Formula - [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name + " - " + [OpportunityLineItem].Id

    3. Is that a "-" in the middle or a underscore "_" . If it's not an underscore, I'd try it that way.

    4. Hello TB

      It's a underscore. That's why im stuck with what they mean by telling me "Fulfillment Record Name" is wrong..

    5. Yes- That would boggle me as well! I'm happy to dig a little deeper if you want to send some screenshots to (Just include a note that I asked for them..)

    6. Sorry for the late response. I did just send you a mail with the Images of my process attached.

      Thank you very much.

  32. hi tb,
    followed all the steps you mentioned but still getting the error below. please help :)
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Fulfillment Creation” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0062v00001NFgsaAAD. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 1927593013-1112353 (383705506): []

    1. Take a look at the process... I expect that there is a incorrect field reference related to an opportunity.

  33. Hi

    I am stuck on the Record Update step for the Opportunity, to update Needs Insurance/Needs Waiver fields. I can't seem to find them anywhere...but I also can't seem to find a step that I missed. I've checked the schema and the relationship is there, plain as day...this should be easy. Yet, I try to find those fields to update the values from the Adventure Record to the Opportunity they're not available.

    Action Type: Update Record
    Action Name: Update OpportunityLineitem
    Record Type: Select a OpportunityLineItem record that started your process.

    Please help me why i cannot see those fields.

    1. Look to opportunitylineitem-->product2.
      Is your starting record opporunitylineitem, opportunity ID?

  34. Its Opportunitylineitem

    Update Records -- [OpportunityLineItem]
    Criteria for Updating Records*
    -No criteria—just update the records!

    Set new field values for the records you update
    Fulfillment Created ==true
    Needs Insurance/Needs Waiver fields fields cant find in dropdown

    1. Check the page layout. (Do a "gut check" to ensure that the fields that you need are visible)

    2. And I did not start with opportunitylineitem... opporunitylineitem, opportunity ID

    3. I checked the pagelayout ,still cannot able to see the fields

    4. The fields are not on the page layout? Or they are?
      Try starting your "update records" step with "opportunitylineitem,opportunityID" not "opportunitylineitem"

  35. Wondering if you may be able to give me some guidance. I tested my process and seems to have run fine so I checked the Challenge Step and received this error:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount__c]: [Discount__c]

    I have the Discount field set as required from the previous step which passed. Not sure why the error is related to discount field for this step. Thanks!

    1. The discount field is not a required for field the object that starts this process.

  36. Hi Trailheadbaby,
    I am trying to complete Superbadge Lightning Experience Challenge 4.I got an Error saying
    The formula expression is invalid: Syntax error. Found 'Adventure Package.Product2.Name'
    Also I am not able to select the AdventureName field as its not showing up in the dropdown.
    Its just showing Adventure Rating.

    I tried restarting the machine and create the Action once again but still getting the same missing field mismatched error.As the fields are not available in the formula editor,I have written [OpportunityLineItem].Product2.Name manually.Its not saving when I write manually...I am stuck at this point only.why the AdventureName field is not populating for selecting?I am not sure.
    Can you please help me to solve this error.

    Thanks in Advance,

    1. Could you confirm which object starts your process?

  37. Once again you've saved me! I couldn't figure out why this challenge wouldn't go through, and I hadn't thought to populate the Related To field on the Task. No mention of that in the Challenge instructions. Thank you again!

  38. Thank you so much! I missed the 'Related to ID' on the Task creation... soooo would not have caught that or even though to look for it.

  39. I seem to cannot find the record type "Fulfillment" when we have to create a record in Process builder actions?

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hi , Please help me in this challenge.
    I tried so many other ways and even tried to Split into 2 Nodes.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Creation process does not appear to be working properly. Please check that your fulfillment was created with all of the proper field value specified in the requirements.

    Thanks in Advance !

  42. A large amount of espresso, together with water and electrolytes, will aid to open the floodgates. Make sure you take B-vitamin supplements along with your coffee to help cleanse your body faster. When it comes to passing drug tests after weed use, this juice is another popular detox remedy. After all, it’s inexpensive, delicious, and readily available at any time. Alternative doctors and naturopaths have recommended cranberry juice for general cleansing. Don’t forget to focus on your scalp while massaging in the detox shampoo Visit:


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