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Lightning Experience Specialist Superbadge - 5 & 6

Throw back to my 1st Christmas

The Sales Automation process is a little confusing upon first glance, so I started by sketching rough draft of my process before clicking in Salesforce.  I've often found that drawing a process first helps to organize thoughts.

The main keyword to note within the instructions is "status change."  Make sure that you have a criteria within each of your nodes that the status has to change.  Think about it like this:

  • If the status changes to X, then do A.
  • If the status changes to Y, then do B...etc
The point is not that the status is "X," but that it changes to X.

Stuck?  Leave a comment! 

 Fulfillment Cancellation is a fairly straightforward process with only one node and one immediate action.  The tricky part is a required field on the Adventure Package that needs to be adjusted.

The Explorer field is as lookup relationship to Contact, so you will need to make changes so that the the fulfillment record can be canceled. 


  1. For Challenge 6, I'm having trouble with the action part. What should be used for the related item and such?

  2. Hello everyone. Does anyone knows how to test challenge 6 prior to clicking Check Challenge button ? In challenge it states "Please ensure that your process works as expected without errors before submitting this challenge." and I wonder which method is used? Thank You

  3. Sorry I guess it was a silly question since I did it by creating different opporunities with different stages. :)

  4. Thanks for the Explorer field tip. It worked like a charm...

  5. For challenge six, I am having trouble making the process builder work. In the node, I've written fulfillment__c.status = cancelled AND fulfillment__c.schedule_Date > Today(). The action is update [Fulfillment__c].Adventure_Package__r Sales price field reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c. What am I doing wrong?

    1. Nothing wrong... You are just missing one item. There is a condition in addition to the record update that you are missing.
      * create for a condition where a line item ID equals ..... Hint- It's a field reference formula.

    2. Hi Trailhead Baby, I'm going crazy here and I hope you can help. I've created the process and it all works like a dream when I test it, but when I check the challenge I see this error:

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject

      I've made the explorer field non-required, I've got the line item ID reference in the criteria, no idea what's going wrong! Any help you can give would be amazing.

    3. Reasons for this error that I've come across:
      * Traihead was somehow messed up and Trailhead support ended up fixing it. OR
      * Person was doing this challenge in a playground used for other trails - and had to redo in a fresh playground.

      Want to send me a few screenshots?

  6. Thank you for all your help, I wouldn't have gotten this far without you!

    I'm getting this error on Challenge #5
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Opportunities with the stage 'Deposit Made' did not update associated Fulfillments with the status to 'Paid Deposit'.

    I have the criteria as Opportunity.StageName Equals Deposit Made.
    I have the Immediate Actionsas: Update Records - [Opportunity].OpportunityLineItems - Fulfillment Status - Picklist - Paid Deposit.

    I'm unclear if I need to have all four nodes 'connected' with the 'Evaluate the next Criteria' selected or not, but have tried both ways. I also noticed you made a point about the phrase 'status change' but I have my first node set to Equals: Awaiting Approval and didn't get any error about that, so I'm not clear if that's also an issue.

    1. You need one more criteria- It's not that the status is "deposit made" - it's that the status changed to deposit made.

  7. Hi Trailhead Baby ,

    Thanks for all the leads or pointers to the solutions that you give. Appreciate it.

    I am having a hard time with Challenge # 6 , I see the Sales Price getting updated on the Adventure package but I am still getting the error

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly."

    My configurations as below:

    Criteria Name*
    Check Fulfillment Stage
    Criteria for Executing Actions*
    Conditions are Met

    Set Conditions
    [Fulfillment__c].Status__c Equals Picklist Cancelled
    [Fullfillment__c].Scheduled_Date__c greater than Formula DATEVALUE([Fullfillment__c].LastModifiedID

    Update Records
    Action Name:
    Update Fulfillment Price


    Criteria for Updating Records*
    Updated Record Meet all conditions

    Filter the records you update based on these conditions
    Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdeventurePackageId__c

    Set new field values for the records you update
    Sales Price Field Reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c

    Can you please help ?


    1. [Fullfillment__c].Scheduled_Date__c greater than Formula DATEVALUE([Fullfillment__c].LastModifiedID - I'd do something simpler here.

      Otherwise it looks good.

    2. Awesome!!! Today() is my day :)

      Thanks a ton!! You the best!!

  8. Hello.

    I'm getting this error with when I check the challenge:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a006g000008MHbDAAW; first error: CANNOT_EXECUTE_FLOW_TRIGGER, We can't save this record because the “Fulfillment Cancellation Automation” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details. This error occurred when the flow tried to update records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: field integrity exception: TotalPrice (total price must be specified). You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide. Error ID: 589305558-136928 (153790377): []

    It seems there's an issue with the Total Price field, but I'm unsure as to what/why it's not registering. The Total Price field is a currency field that is required.

    Have you come across this kind of error before?

    1. hmmmm Occasionally, but not frequently. What are your criteria for the immediate action on the process?

    2. I was able to solve this on my own. I posted the solution to the success community in case anyone else has the same problem. Please take a look and tell me if you think it may cause any debt in the future.

  9. I have read through several threads regarding this, and it seems my process is written correctly, and I changed the required field as suggested on the object and the page layout and am still getting an error :( Any suggestions?

    1. I'm happy to take a look at what you have if you would like to post some details.

    2. Hi everyone, I am now totally confused XD
      After creating the third process, the fulfillment cancelation action and checking I am getting the same error messages like a lot of other people:

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.

      I read through many other post besides this page here and for most of them seems to work but not for me.
      Also I tried to create another playground to start from scratch but this doesn'T work either, I am getting login-fatal-errors.

      Anyway, can anybody help me?

      I set it up like MohanP before me besides the fulfilment schdule date part (see below)

      My configurations as below:

      Criteria Name*
      Check Fulfillment Stage
      Criteria for Executing Actions*
      Conditions are Met

      Set Conditions
      [Fulfillment__c].Status__c Equals Picklist Cancelled
      [Fullfillment__c].Scheduled_Date__c > TODAY()

      Update Records
      Action Name:
      Update Fulfillment Price


      Criteria for Updating Records*
      Updated Record Meet all conditions

      Filter the records you update based on these conditions
      Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdeventurePackageId__c

      Set new field values for the records you update
      Sales Price Field Reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c

      All is activated but I am still getting this errror.

      Help is much appreciated



    3. Ok, I was now able to create a new playground and created everything from scratch and guess what I could finish step 6 !!! woop woop

    4. Good!!!!!

      Filter the records you update based on these conditions
      Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdeventurePackageId__c

      The only thing I noticed in your post is that "AdventurePackage" was not spelled correctly.

  10. Hi , I tried all these steps and verified so many forums. Tried all still the same error. Could you please help.

  11. I'm getting this error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The Fulfillment Cancellation Automation process does not appear to be working properly. Make sure that a cancelled Fulfillment updates the Adventure Package correctly.

    I have given this condition in update filter
    Line Item ID Equals Formula [Fulfillment__c].AdeventurePackageId__c
    Sales Price Field Reference [Fulfillment__c].Deposit__c

    Process builder is activated but not succeed. Please help me...

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