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Lightning Experience Specialist Superbadge - 9

We are almost done with the Lighting Experience Specialist Superbadge!  Once you finish, celebrate!  If you are not a baby, may I suggest a nice hot toddy.  Personally, I plan to enjoy a mug of hot chocolate and a few Oreos....

Hints and Tips for Challenge 9

UI Changes for Sales Reps:
  • Use the report type "Opportunities with Adventures."  Otherwise you may not have the option to filter by the correct date field.
  • If you want to use a report on a lightning record page, the report can not be saved in "My Personal Custom Reports."
UI Changes for Fulfillment:
  • A good place to adjust fields on a record.... Page Layout!
General UI Changes:
  • Check out the "App Manager" to see the Relaxation Gauntlet
  • Remember:  Contacts=Explorers.  Products=Adventures.


  1. I am getting this error .

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.
    can u please help me out.

  2. Hey there Raj! I'm happy to help. Please share some details about your report- the items listed in the Trailhead error message would be helpful. I need a little more info in order to help.

  3. Hi!

    I have been trying really hard to complete this challenge. I have created the report and grouped it accordingly. I am having trouble with the following parts of the challenge:

    Finally, add this chart to your Lightning Adventure Record Page with the label Adventure Stage Comparison. To ensure that this chart isn’t accidentally displayed to customers, add it to a new section called Adventure Comparison.

    UI Changes for the Fulfillment Team
    Fulfillment team members want to see key explorer and adventure data at the top of the fulfillment record for post-sales processing and scheduling needs. Create a view where the following fields are highlighted at the top: related contact, related adventure, the explorer’s preferred contact method, whether the explorer has submitted a waiver, and the fulfillment status. Although this is designed for the fulfillment team, ensure that everyone has access to this information in the view.

    General UI Changes
    Lastly, you want to help Relaxation Gauntlet employees find just what they need in the org. Modify the navigation menu so that employees see only the necessary tabs: Home, Explorers, Opportunities, Adventures, Fulfillments, Reports, and Dashboards.
    Enable this navigation for the sales, service, and fulfillment profiles (expedition leaders and fulfillment team members), system administrators, the custom support profile, and custom sales profile.

    I have been rattling my brain trying to implement the above mentioned steps.

    1. I understand how this can be confusing! Do you have a question regarding a particular step of this challenge? (Example- I've created the chart, but am having trouble adding it to the record page.)

  4. Hi i m also getting the same error :

    Following are the key points of my report :

    1. Report type : Opportunities with Adventures
    2. Filters : adventure Date : 1/1/2016 to 12/31/2026
    3. Summarize by adventure name and stage
    4. Chart : Y-axis = record count and X-axis = Adventure Name and group by stage name.
    5. Chart title : Opp Stage by Adventure
    6. Chart : Stacked vertical bar chart


    1. Two things:
      1) Double check the adventure dates- The challenge requirements state a specific period. (1/1/16 is not the correct start date)

      2) The axis' (x and y) do not match the challenge requirements. Ie- X axis should be product name. Grouped by stage (not an axis)

  5. Lightning Experience Specialist
    Well played! + 6500 Points
    You’ve earned yourself the most super of badges, and a ton of points.

    Lightning Experience Specialist
    + 4500 Challenge Points, + 2000 Bonus Superbadge Points

  6. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

    Following are the key points of my report :

    1. Report type : Opportunities with Adventures
    2. Filters : adventure Date : 1/1/2026 to 12/31/2026
    3. Summarize by adventure name and stage
    4. Chart : Y-axis = record count and X-axis = Adventure Name and group by stage name.
    5. Chart title : Opp Stage by Adventure
    6. Chart : Stacked vertical bar chart

    1. I was missing step 5. Thanks a lot.

  7. Check that y axis. I'd use something that has to do with price.

    1. I did the same steps as Priyadarshini Panda but with modified step 4.
      For chart, Y-axis: Sum of Amount and X-axis: Product Name
      Still unable to complete the challenge. Kindly assist.

    2. Could you share details of what you have?

    3. I'll just mail the screenshots to you on

    4. Look at the options on the bottom of the report (the blue sliding checkboxes).... then do a quick read through the challenge instructions.

  8. Hi Trailhead baby
    I accidentally deleted by opp by stage report so I had to wait until now to recreate it but now my custom filter is not working properly it shows zero records
    Do you have any suggestion on how to work on it

    1. i'd double check the adventure date filter first.... What other filters do you have?

  9. I have adventure date filter can I send you my screen shot

    1. Sure! I'll take a look tomorrow.

  10. How to achieve UI Changes for the Fulfillment Team task?

    1. What specifically are you asking? I can't give a walkthrough, but I'm happy to hear what you have done so far and make suggestions.

  11. UI Changes for the Fulfillment Team

  12. Love your blog! I am having trouble finding the custom photo uploader component when creating the Adventure Record Page. I checked the LEX superbadge package and saw no mention of it. Where might I find this, or create it? Thanks!

    1. Silly question- but are you creating a lightning record page? The custom component should be there on the bottom right along with the standard components. (The component is called "Gallery" within the package.) Found it?

  13. Guys,
    I need your help. I am trying this Reports challenge from quite sometime now, but no luck.

    Here is what I have:
    1. Report type : Opportunities with Adventures
    2. Filters : Adventure Date greater or equal: 1/1/2026 and lesser or equal 12/31/2026
    3. Summarize by adventure name and stage
    4. Chart : Y-axis = record count and X-axis = Adventure Name. And I have stacked by Stage.
    5. Chart title : Opp Stage by Adventure
    6. Chart : Stacked Column
    7. I have added this Report Chart directly in the lightning App: Adventure Record Page and created a Label: "Adventure Stage Comparison"

    But I still keep getting this error:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

    1. Chart- Y axis should be something else.

    2. Shouldn't be something else, the only other option for y axis is 'Sum of Total Price' but the requirements are, "add a stacked vertical bar chart of *the number of explorers* by product name, grouped by stage, to your summary report"

    3. I'd consider Sum of Total Price for the Y axis in the opp stage by adventure report.

  14. Hello guys,

    I really need your help, just follow the link where you can find my problem with all of the screenshots so I could be as clear as possible describing it.!/feedtype=SINGLE_QUESTION_DETAIL&dc=Developer_Forums&criteria=ALLQUESTIONS&id=9062I000000XmTKQA0

    Thanks in advance for your help!

  15. Hello Trailhead Baby,

    Hope you are fine and safe.

    I have a query regarding the Superbadge.

    the error: Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Opp Stage by Adventure' report does not appear to be configured correctly. Make sure it has the correct report type, groupings, filters and chart type.

    Please assist

  16. 1. Report type : Opportunities with Adventures
    2. Filters : Adventure Date : 1/1/2026 and 12/31/2026
    3. Summarize by adventure name and stage
    4. Chart : Y-axis = Sum of Total Price and X-axis = Adventure Name. And I have stacked by Stage.
    5. Chart title : Adventure Stage Comparison
    6. Chart : Stacked Column
    7. I have added this Report Chart directly in the lightning Record Page : Label: Adventure Comparison

    1. "Opportunity Status" filter is not correct - from the email you sent to me.
      I have a different X value for the chart.

    2. Thank you for the response.

      Opportunity Status : Open

      According to the challenge add a stacked vertical bar chart of the number of explorers by product name, grouped by stage, I kept: X Value: Adventure Name
      Group by: Stage

    3. Still same error

    4. I do not have "Adventure Name" as the X value.

    5. Thank you!

      but error is present.

  17. Hey, I passed it , just gone with mentioned points, Report type: " Opportunities with Adventures" Report name: Opp Stage by Adventure (API name could be anything)
    Object: Opportunity
    Fields take All opportunity fields as default
    Group By Drag "Stage" and "Product Name"
    Summry Report
    Got to Chart select "Stacked Collumn" Enter the Chart Name as "Adventure Stage Comparison"
    Select X axis "Product Name" Y Axis " Record Count" Stack "Stage"
    Filter Enter Product Date as Given 1/1/2026 to 12/31/2026 Run and Save

    Quick find box "My Domain" Edit Authentication part , Select some back ground color Save >>> Run the challenge and you will get a superbadge

  18. Hi Again I passed today this Lightning Experience specialist Badge :)Without this blog it seems impossible for me Thank You!!
    Good Luck ..You can do that if I can :)


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