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New Superbadge! App Customization Specialist

A new superbadge was just announced- the App Customization Specialist!  I do not know which event I am more excited about:
  1. My new baby brother who should arrive in the next 15 days
  2. Getting started on this new superbadge!
Keep your eyes out for new blog posts about this new superbadge plus photos of my new brother! 
I am going to start him out on Trailhead as soon as I can teach him to type!

Back to playing peek-a-boo with mom.....

PS- I am very excited about Salesforce certification maintenance being moved to Trailhead! It's much easier to hop onto Trailhead than to remember my password to WebAssessor.  Thank you Salesforce!


  1. Would you have any suggestions regarding errors in the second challenge? I'm getting: The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly. The Volunteer Activity object is detail to Accounts and the field filter is (Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account) AND (Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities). Would you have any hints what I may be doing incorrectly? Many thanks, DaveG

    1. Hello Dave,
      Your filters match what I have. This field is tricky though because you have a to create additional fields with the same name.... Have you created them yet?

  2. Would you have any suggestions regarding errors in the second challenge? I'm getting: The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly. The Volunteer Activity object is detail to Accounts and the field filter is (Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account) AND (Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities). Would you have any hints what I may be doing incorrectly? Many thanks, DaveG

  3. I am working on the Step 2 of this Super badge. I am getting this following error message
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
    The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.
    Here are the requirementsVolunteer OrganizationVolunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization
    Volunteer Organization : Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization name.
    Here are my formulas: 
     Volunteer JobFormula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
    Volunteer ShiftFormula: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
    Volunteer Shift WorkerFormula: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Organization__c

    1. Did you filter to only include accounts with the correct record type and status?

    2. I think I am missing something here. I created formula fields .Where do we exactly have to apply filters? Thanks Bareera

    3. Here are the field filters that I applied on the Volunteer Organization field
      Volunteer Organization: Account Record Type equals Volunteer Organization Account
      Volunteer Activity: Volunteer Organization Status equals Accepting Activities
      Now I also created formula fields on following objects
      "Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization name."
      In previous comment I mentioned all the formula fields. I dnt know where I am wrong.

    4. What type of field did you use for the Volunteer Organization? Once you create the "relationship field," you can reference it for the other "Volunteer Organization" fields.

      Essentially - create 1. Create the others to reference the first one.

    5. I created a Master Detail Relationship between Volunteer Activity and Account with these filters.
      Volunteer Organization: Account Record Type equals Volunteer Organization Account
      Volunteer Activity: Volunteer Organization Status equals Accepting Activities. Thanks Bareera

    6. Hello Bareera,
      (And good morning!) Your Volunteer Organization field- relationship style - looks perfect. You will still see the error until this field is also referenced/created on the other objects.

      On Volunteer Job, Shift, Shift Worker....the formula field. What data type with your formula fields are you using? Hint- You want it to display the "name"... It's a simple formula that references the original Volunteer Organization field.

    7. Hello, So sorry for the late reply. Here are the formulas
      Volunteer JobFormula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
      Volunteer ShiftFormula: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
      Volunteer Shift WorkerFormula: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
      Thanks Bareera

    8. Hello Bareera,
      All of these formulas should point towards the same field. I recommend using the diagram from the instructions in order to determine the correct path to reach the field.
      IE- The field that you are referencing is located on which object? Every formula that you create will need to point towards that field on that object.

      I'd ask myself:
      1) Where is the field that these formulas need to point towards?
      2) How do I get there?

      The relationships between the objects are outlined on the diagram.

    9. Hi. I am also stuck on this challenge with the same error message. I have added the 'Volunteer Organization' master detail relationship with the same filters you said were correct. I added the 'Volunteer Organization' formula fields to the other 3 objects. These are the formulas I have for each:
      Job: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
      Shift: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
      Shift Worker: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name

      I've been working on this for awhile but can't find the problem. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


    10. Hey there! Are you still stuck? I hope not! I've been on a little vacation and am just catching up. I think I see the issue- Did you create an object called "Volunteer Organization"?
      The Volunteer Organization field should reside on the Volunteer Activity object - with the master/detail relationship to the account object.

      Does this help?

  4. Hello I'm stuck in Superbadge App Customization Specialist challenge .
    The banner says " We couldn’t find the custom field named Shifts Taken in the object Volunteer Shift. Please ensure that the field exists".
    this is my field shift taken.
    Field Label Shift Taken Object Name Volunteer Shift
    Field Name Shift_Taken
    API Name Shift_Taken__c

    Roll-Up Summary Options
    Data Type Roll-Up Summary Summary Type COUNT
    Summarized Object Volunteer Shift Worker
    Filter Criteria
    StatusEQUALSConfirmed, Completed

  5. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'My Shifts Pending Approval' report does not have the correct columns. Confirm that ALL report columns are in place according to the requirements. Additionally, take note that of the two 'Volunteer Shift Worker ID' fields, make sure to include the one with the format Shift-XXXX so users can click through to the volunteer record.


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