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App Customization Specialist Superbadge - 2

Tricky fields.  Like my tricky little brother, these are a bit confusing.  I thought he was taking a nap, and I would have at least 20 minutes to play with mom.  Nope! He woke up after 15 minutes and wanted to eat.  Again.  I wonder how he eats so often!  I'm a big fan of snacks, but not every half hour!

Shift End Time
The field itself is not tricky, but you also have to build a rule with corresponding error message.  Note- After creating the rule, I had to deactivate it in order to pass the challenge.

Shift Hours
This is the field that left me scratching my head for a few minutes.  Key terms: "the number of hours a shift lasts."  Subtracting a end time from a start time will not give the required value.  You need a way to convert this to hours.  (This field is incorporated into other fields, so make sure you have it right before moving forward!  I did not, and had to re-do the corresponding "Total Vol Hours for Shift", "Shift Hours"- the second field with this name, etc.  Quite frustrating!

Read about the FLOOR function: Formula Operators and Functions A-H and don't forget your math: How many hours are in a day?

Volunteer Skills 
I'm just going to underline the phrase...

Read the instructions and create the field with the fields in the exact order specified.
" automatically checked if the user looking at a record is also the Volunteer, and is unchecked if it is not..."

Volunteer Organization
A dreaded error message.  I made a mistake, and here is where accuracy becomes very important. There are two fields with the "Volunteer Organization" name with different purposes on different objects!  Ensure that the relationship field is correct, then you can easily reference it with a formula. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey! Could you help me out with this error? I've been stuck for hours

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The '# of Volunteers Still Needed' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' record is not working as expected.

    MAX(Desired_Number_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c, 0)

    This is my formula

    1. Stuck for hours! Not fun. Let's see if we can get this fixed! I'm using a different formula considering the possibility "if" the the statement you made above is not greater than zero. aka- if all shifts are taken.

      Make sense?

    2. It does, I've tried with

      IF(MAX(Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c, 0) <= 0, MAX(Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c, 0), 0)

      IF(MAX(Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c, 0) <= 0, (Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c), 0)

      and some found online to no avail. I've checked the other fields and they are working correctly and the error still shows up

    3. Drop the "MAX." Max does not work because there is potential for both of these fields to be the same number. I.e. - If the desired number of volunteers = 0 and the shifts taken = 0, there is not a "max" value, since they are equivalent. Instead try just using "IF." You are almost there! If the difference is greater than zero, then the result is the difference. If not, 0 is the response. Make sense?

    4. I've tried it efore and now to now avail: If ((desired - taken ) > 0 , desired - taken, 0)

    5. hmmmm That's almost what I have:
      If (desired-taken > 0, desired-taken,0)
      One less set of parentheses.

    6. Hello I am back on track again after a while. I was not able to find my old post so I am posting my Question again.

      I am working on the Step 2 of this Super badge. I am getting this following error message
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
      The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.
      Here are the requirementsVolunteer OrganizationVolunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization
      Volunteer Organization : Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization name.
      Here are my formulas: 
       Volunteer JobFormula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
      Volunteer ShiftFormula: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
      Volunteer Shift WorkerFormula: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Organization__c

      Please help because I cannot proceed further until I pass this challenge.


  3. I am working on the Step 2 of this Super badge. I am getting this following error message
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
    The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.
    Here are the requirementsVolunteer OrganizationVolunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization
    Volunteer Organization : Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization name.
    Here are my formulas: 
     Volunteer JobFormula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
    Volunteer ShiftFormula: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
    Volunteer Shift WorkerFormula: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Organization__c

    Here is the Volunteer Organization field on Volunteer Activity Object
    (Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account) AND (Volunteer Activity: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities)

  4. Hello, I am working on the Step 2 of this Super badge. I am getting this following error message
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
    The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.
    Here are the requirementsVolunteer OrganizationVolunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization
    Volunteer Organization : Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift, and Volunteer Shift Worker display the associated Organization name.
    Here are my formulas: 
     Volunteer JobFormula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name
    Volunteer ShiftFormula: Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
    Volunteer Shift WorkerFormula: Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
    Here is my filter criteria
    Lookup Filter
    Filter Criteria(Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account) AND (Volunteer Activity: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities)
    Filter TypeRequired. The user-entered value must match filter criteria.
    Error MessageValue does not exist or does not match filter criteria.
    Please help I am stuck on it for 3 weeks now.
    Thanks Bareera

    1. Hey there! I've been on a little beach vacation, but I'm back and happy to take a look.
      * Do a double check of the Volunteer Organization formula on Volunteer Job. All of these formulas should end with "Volunteer Organization." Volunteer Organization should be a field only- not an object.
      * All of the formulas should point back towards the original Volunteer Organization field IE: The one on the Volunteer Shift Worker points back towards the "Volunteer Organization" field that was created on the "volunteer job" object.

      The filter looks good :)

    2. Hello,
      Ok so I changed the formula a bit but I am still getting an error message.
      The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.
      Now the formulas are
      And the filter is Volunteer Organization (Master Detail with Account object)
      Filter criteria : Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities) AND (Volunteer Organization: Account Record Type EQ

    3. The Volunteer Organization should not be referenced: "Volunteer_Organization_r.Name."
      - Volunteer Organization should be only a field.

      The first formula for example:

      This indicates that you are looking at the volunteer activity, referencing the volunteer organization, field "Name." Your formulas should end in: Volunteer_Organization__c - indicating that you are referencing a single field. (Not a field on the "Volunteer Organization" object- the Volunteer Organization should not be an object.)

    4. Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__c
      Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c (Volunteer Shift formula)
      Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c (volunteer shift worker formula)
      But I am still getting the same errror

    5. The formulas need to reference the original field.
      Listed in the comment:
      Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c (Volunteer Shift formula)
      Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c (volunteer shift worker formula)

      Both of these are referencing a field on the Volunteer Job object -not the original Volunteer Organization field. It gets tricky because you will have multiple fields with the same name.

      Ask... One what object is the volunteer organization field?

      If we break down the formula the "r" indicates the referenced object.
      Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c - translates to the volunteer organization field on the volunteer job object.

      Make sense?

    6. I'm having this same issue where I can't seem to set up Volunteer Organization field on Volunteer Jobs object. I've tried using the Account Name field, but that kicks back the same error "Could not find the 'Volunteer Organization' field or it is not configured correctly." I'm thinking I've done something incorrectly with a master/detail relationship, but am not sure where/how. I know you completed this SB almost two years ago, but I'd be happy to accept any additional crumbs of guidance you might be willing to share :)

  5. Shift_Hours__c Formula (Number)
    Formula : FLOOR (( Shift_End_Time__c - Shift_Start_Time__c )*24)

    Shifts_Taken__c Roll-Up Summary (COUNT Volunteer Shift Worker)
    criteria : Status EQUALS Confirmed, Completed

    Total_Vol_Hours_for_Shift__c Formula (Number)
    formula : Shift_Hours__c * Shifts_Taken__c

    Still I am getting the error

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' record is not working as expected.

    Please help me out here.

    1. Shift Hours formula = perfect.
      Shifts Taken = perfect
      Total_Vol_Hours = perfect

      Do you have the "no time travel...." validation rule activated?

    2. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      The 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift Workers' object is not configured correctly.

      Same here.. ?

    3. Shift Hours formula = perfect.
      Shifts Taken = perfect
      Total_Vol_Hours = perfect

      Do you have the "no time travel...." also done but the same error..

    4. If you would like to provide details of the validation rule, I'm happy to take a look. Also, I did have to temporarily deactivate the validation rule in order to pass the challenge step.

    5. Hello,
      I seem to have a problem specific to me only it seems! I cannot specify the master-detail relationship for the volunteer organization field on the volunteer activity oject because I don't get the 'account" object as an option for parent! I know that volunteer activity is a custom object and account is standard, but what am I missing here? I don't see any one else facing this problem either, so I must be missing something obvious...

    6. hmmmm. You should be able to create a "volunteer organization" master/detail field on the Volunteer Activity object, related to account. Do you have another master/detail field on this object referencing account?

    7. I am having the same problem, and I don't have any other master/detail or field in Volunteer Activity referencing to account. Any solution, I tried everything create a new playground and still having the same issue

  6. I've been stuck for a while too. Mine says the Job Description field is of an incorrect type. I created it as a Long text area. I also tries normal text area.

    Could you help?

    1. The trick is in this line: "with the option for hyperlinked text..."
      Which text field gives the option for hyperlinks?

      There are a few options for text fields:
      Text Area
      Text Area (Long)
      Text Area (Rich)
      Text (Encrypted)

      Look at the description for each field option and you should get the answer.

  7. Greetings,

    Currently getting error - Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly.

    I believe the Master-Detail from Volunteer Activity to Account created on the Volunteer Activity object is set properly and relationship field name is Volunteer_Organization with the two filters

    Filter Criteria
    (Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities) AND (Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account)

    So that leads to formula fields on either Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift and/or Volunteer Shift Worker being incorrect. The formula walks the relationship chain back up to Voluntary Activity and use the Volunteer_Organization I just created. I am confused as to what the original organization name is it could be $organization.Name, tried that and incorrect. Trying Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__c for Job Volunteer, Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__c for Volunteer Shift and Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__c for Volunteer Shift Worker yields the same error. The original Volunteer organization seems to be a relationship field so perhaps that is the reason for error. Also tried
    Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name for Volunteer job but this is just name of field on an object. Any clue where my thinking has gone wrong?


    1. With an initial glance, I do not see any issues with the original formula field values that you wrote- correct that they should all walk back to the original Volunteer Organization field. The filters look correct on the original Volunteer Organization field.
      I'd check:
      * Is the filter enabled?
      * Is it required?
      * What is the sharing setting under master-detail options?

    2. Hi,
      The filter is active, required and set to read/write for the master detail relationship on the Volunteer Activity object.

      I noticed I cannot unclick read on FLS on for the Volunteer_Organization on Volunteer Job, Volunteer Shift and Volunteer Shift Worker. Looked at profiles and users to see if something there. Any other ideas? Thank you

    3. Let's do this... Would you mind emailing me a few screenshots? I'd like to take a deeper look at your original Volunteer Organization field...

    4. Looks like I fixed it this afternoon; something at Profile or User level or Permission set.
      Now moving onto another error to work through. Thank you

  8. Hi everyone..I cant able to choose Roll up summary datatype for the Volunteer Activity..Could anyone help me

    1. Try a different field type. (If you are creating the "volunteer activity" field)

  9. Hello!
    I'm stuck in callenge 2

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Shifts Taken' field is not using the correct filter criteria.
    I've used the

    Shifts_Taken__c Roll-Up Summary (COUNT Volunteer Shift Worker)
    criteria : Status EQUALS Confirmed, Completed
    I was thinking that I need to make the filter criteria Confirmed OR Completed but in the roll-up summary field creation the filter criteria is AND...
    how can I make it an OR filter?

    Could you help me please?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Both the confirmed and completed values are in the same picklist, so a person can not be both "confirmed" and "completed" - it will be an "OR" automatically.

  10. Thanks!
    Unfortunately it's not accepting my answer :(

  11. I am stuck on the step 2 with the error: 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly."

    I believe the Master-Detail from Volunteer Activity to Account created on the Volunteer Activity object is set properly and relationship field name is Volunteer_Organization with the two filters

    Filter Criteria
    (Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization StatusEQUALSAccepting Activities) AND (Volunteer Organization: Account Record TypeEQUALSVolunteer Organization Account)

    The filter is required, enabled and the sharing permissions are correctly set in the MD.

    However I notice when I went to set up the Volunteer Shift Worker object formula on Volunteer Job, I could not find the field names to select for Volunteer_Shift.

  12. On my last comment, I just fixed my own problem and I was inside the working object when setting up the formula. When I setup Volunteer Job formula on Volunteer Shift Worker I found all the necessary fields.

  13. In any case I am still getting the same error on the Volunteer Org field's filter not being configured correctly.

    1. hmmmm What you have looks correct. Want to send over a few screenshots to ?

  14. I'm getting the "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The '# of Volunteers Still Needed' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' record is not working as expected." message and I'm not sure what the issue is. I've tried several different equations and no luck . Is it possible to start this super badger over from scratch with a new Trailhead?

    1. You can always start over... but I'd expect that you picked the wrong field. If you want me to look at a screenshot- I'm happy to.

    2. Hello , I have the same problem, the ‘Num of volunteers still needed ‘ field on the ‘volunteer shift ‘ record is not working as expected. Can you help me please

  15. Hi there,

    Seems i'm not the only one who got stucked with this error :

    "The 'Volunteer Organization' field's filter is not configured correctly."

    The Master-Detail from Volunteer Activity to Account created on the Volunteer Activity object is set properly and relationship field name is Volunteer_Organization with the two filters

    Filter Criteria
    (Volunteer Organization: Volunteer Organization Status EQUALS Accepting Activities)
    (Volunteer Organization: Account Record Type EQUALS Volunteer Organization Account)

    The filter is required, enabled and the sharing permissions are correctly set in the MD.

    Formulas fields are set as below :

    Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name (Volunteer Job formula)
    Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name (Volunteer Shift formula)
    Volunteer_Shift__r.Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__r.Name (volunteer shift worker formula)

    Do you have ay idea on what i'm missing ?

    Thanks a lot!

    1. Formula fields are referencing the wrong field. Everything should tie to the original Volunteer Organization field... This one is tricky!

  16. Hi there!

    First, I'm a big fan of your site. :-)

    I'm also stuck on challenge 2, and given that my error is different than everyone else's I'm willing to assume I have done something very silly.

    I'm getting the following:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Job__c]: [Volunteer_Job__c]

    I think this means that there is either:
    A. A field on the Volunteer Job object that is not marked as required but should be.
    B. There is a missing Volunteer Job field on some object.

    BUT- I have checked for both of the above over and over again and cannot see where I may have made a mistake. Any ideas on what may be causing that error, more specifically?

    1. hmmmmm I'd have to take a look at what you have. I agree that it is likely a tiny thing throwing the error! Want to email a few screenshots ?

    2. Hi,
      Just wondering if you ever found a solution for this? Its such a weird one.

    3. I don't remember, but I'm happy to look at what you have! (If you want to email with some details and screenshots)

    4. Hey Peeps - I got the same error a few years later. Was there ever a solution? Can it please be posted?

    5. I actually found the answer to those who may need it: I had the Volunteer Job lookup field on Volunteer Activity set to required, which now it makes sense that it shouldn't be. You should be able to set up a Volunteer Activity before adding any jobs to it.

  17. Hi there,
    I am also stuck in challenge 2 with error

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Shift__c]: [Volunteer_Shift__c]

    I tried all way but still stuck with the same error.

  18. Hi there,
    I am stuck with challenge 2 error

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Shift__c]: [Volunteer_Shift__c]

    Any ideas on what may be causing that error?

    1. Does the field exist? I expect you may not have created all of the required fields on the Volunteer Shift object.

  19. I keep getting the below error:
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Could not find the 'Volunteer Organization' field or it is not configured correctly."

    I have the field created just fine. How do I get past this error? It looks like you came across this error as well. Please tell me how did you get past it.

  20. Hey I am stuck on the App Customization Specialist step 2. Ive tried everything it still says
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Shifts Taken' field is not using the correct filter criteria."

    Could you please help me out.

    1. Let's take a look at what you have! Could you share details?

    2. Hi I have the same issue. Shifts Taken field data type was a Picklist type and because of that, When I chose Formula Type for "Num of Volunteers Still Needed " field failed Syntax check. I tried to do change my Data Type on Shift Taken to RollUP summary but there was not an option for me. These are all done in Volunteer Shift Object. Can you please advise? Thanks in advance.

  21. Hi There,
    I'm stuck with challenge #2,

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The '# of Volunteers Still Needed' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' record is not working as expected.

    This is my formula.
    IF((Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)<=0,0, Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)

    Kindly help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Regards Prince.

  22. Hi there,
    I keep getting these errors in Challenge 2.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error while verifying this challenge. Usually this is due to some pre-existing configuration or code in the challenge Org. We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: THHHCBPE
    I checked my formulas and validation rules.
    Where is it going wrong. Or again do you want me to repeat them in a new DE.

    1. I would wait 24 hours then try to check again. If the problem is still there, unfortunately, the best approach is to start over in a new org.

  23. Hello, Please guide me. I'm getting this error.

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Desired_Number_of_Volunteers__c]: [Desired_Number_of_Volunteers__c]

    Here is my Formula -
    IF((Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)<=0,0, Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)

    1. Remind me--- Which field are you working to create?

    2. I'm working on the the App Customization Specialist Superbadge Step2.
      And i have getting the error.
      Field Name is Desired # of Volunteers & # of Volunteers Still Needed.
      Please suggest.

    3. Please share details on what you have.

    4. Field Label - # of Volunteers Still Needed
      Field Name - of_Volunteers_Still_Needed
      API Name - of_Volunteers_Still_Needed__c
      Formula - Max((Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c), 0)

      Field Label - Desired # of Volunteers
      Field Name - Desired_of_Volunteers
      API Name - Desired_of_Volunteers__c
      Length - 3
      Decimal Places - 0

    5. Error -
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Desired_Number_of_Volunteers__c]: [Desired_Number_of_Volunteers__c]

    6. I have a different formula, starting with "If," but I don't see why yours would not work. Can you verify that the "Desire # of Volunteers" field is created, type number, on the Volunteer Shift object?

    7. Hello - I have used this formula also, but getting the same error.
      IF((Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)<=0,0, Desired_of_Volunteers__c - Shifts_Taken__c)
      Yes i have verified 3-4 times, that field is already created with the correct type number and on the Volunteer Shift object. Still no luck.

    8. I have a different formula- still an "IF" statement...
      Here's a little hint: IF (X-Y > 0, X-Y, 0)

  24. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The '# of Volunteers Still Needed' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' record is not working as expected.

  25. I have inserted all possible formulas out there and check all fields. Any suggestions, i cant send screenshots

  26. I'm working on app customization specialist Superbage in step 2 I'm getting error the Status is not configured correctly

    1. Please share some details, and I will do my best to help!

  27. I'm working on app customization specialist Superbage in step 2 I'm getting following error-
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Could not find the 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' object.

    I have already created 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' object but despite of this it shows above error.

    1. Do you have a formula for this field? It should be a combination of two other fields in a formula

    2. Hi

      Same with me
      Formula as mentioned and still getting Could not find the 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift' object.

  28. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Job__c]: [Volunteer_Job__c]

  29. I am getting this error can u help me

    1. A field is missing... or is not marked as required.

  30. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn’t find the custom field named Shifts Taken in the object Volunteer Shift. Please ensure that the field exists.

  31. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn’t find the custom field named Shifts Taken in the object Volunteer Shift. Please ensure that the field exists.

    please give me a reply

  32. Couldn't find the 'IsShiftVolunteer' field on the 'Volunteer Shift Workers' object. help

  33. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Status' field is not configured correctly.

    I have created all the objects accordingly, checked twice the formulas but still it is showing above error.

  34. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Activity__c]: [Volunteer_Activity__c]

    I have pasted my settings below. would you be kind enough to guide me on this issue?

    Field Label: Volunteer Activity
    Data Type: Lookup
    Related to: Volunteer Job
    Required checkbox: Checked

  35. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Check State: []

    App customization step 2

    1. I am facing this issue can someone help me

  36. I have gotten to Step 4 (Reporting) of this superbadge, but I am stuck because the field needed to group in "My Top Volunteer Organizations" report comes in as VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION: ACCOUNT NAME instead of just VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION. I went back to edit the custom report type fields in setup and made sure to edit the properties of the field so I could display the column label as VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION, but it would not "take". I could save the Display As name, but when I look at the preview or go back to my report, it reverts to the ".....:ACCOUNT NAME" one.

    Did I do something wrong early on, or is this a glitch that can only be resolved with a new playground and start over? Thank you for any help you can offer! - Jeri

  37. Hi, i have been stuck on challenge 2. The error i am getting is that the "Num of Volunteers Still Needed" on the volunteer shift object is not working as expected.

    I have been stuck for days, i literally tried everything. Please help

  38. If this thread is still being monitored, help would be much appreciated :-)
    According to everything I read and tried to find, this should be working :-(

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Shifts Taken' field is not using the correct filter criteria or logic.

    Field Label Shifts Taken Object Name Volunteer Shift
    Field Name Shifts_Taken
    API Name Shifts_Taken__c
    Object Name Volunteer Shift

    Roll-Up Summary Options
    Data Type Roll-Up Summary Summary Type COUNT
    Summarized Object Volunteer Shift Worker
    Filter Criteria StatusEQUALSConfirmed, Completed

  39. Hi. hoping you can help.

    I am creating the Volunteer Organization field on the Volunteer Job object however, i am receiving the below error

    formula: Volunteer_Activity__r.Volunteer_Organization__c.Name

    Error: Field Volunteer_Organization__c does not exist. Check spelling.

    i believe i have the volunteer orgnization field set up correctly. cant see what would be causing this?

    1. I am also having the same problem. Did you figure out what was causing this?

    2. I had this same problem. What ended up being the issue for me was the order I created the formulas in. Each formula builds on and references the other, so the order of creation is incredibly important:

      1. Volunteer Job Field
      2. Volunteer Shift Field
      3. Volunteer Shift Worker Field

      Hope this helps!

    3. I have the same problem..........

    4. Even I have created successfully Volunteer Job in Volunteer Organization,
      but when I created:
      Volunteer Shift = Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c.
      But: Error: Field Volunteer_Job__r does not exist. Check spelling.

      I have tried to make lookup relation for Volunteer Organization and Volunteer Job, but still not working. Do you have any suggestion=? thank you

  40. When i add the shift end time field in volunteer worker object, I get this error please help

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY, Record Type ID: this ID value isn't valid for the user: 0125f0000007WkQAAU: [RecordTypeId]

  41. Stuck for a week doing App Customization Create fields - so I have created a deleted for a week and I'm over it nothing is working I realize start and end must be created first but are they referencing look up ? I do not wish to start from scratch all over again( Shift Hours Volunteer Shift Workers displays this value from the associated Shift record.
    Shift Start Time Volunteer Shift Workers displays this value from the associated Shift record.
    Shift End Time Volunteer Shift Workers displays this value from the associated Shift record.
    Attributed Volunteer Hours Volunteer Jobs displays the cumulative number of volunteer hours for its shifts. ) this is confusing me

  42. Hello, I am current working on Other Fields, trying to put the fomula / text on Volunteer Organization:
    Volunteer Shift = Volunteer_Job__r.Volunteer_Organization__c.
    But: Error: Field Volunteer_Job__r does not exist. Check spelling.

    I have tried to make lookup relation for Volunteer Organization and Volunteer Job, but still not working. Do you have any suggestion=? thank you

    1. Hey did you found a solution for this?

  43. Hey can I get Volunteer Activity formulas.?


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