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App Customization Specialist Superbadge - 3

Let's talk about being signed up without your knowledge.  This new big brother thing- I was definitely signed up without my knowledge or input!  Today I tried to talk with him about the waking up at 4am business.  It is not acceptable to be up so early, particularly on Saturday morning.  He just looked at me and gurgled.  I am big enough to use a step stool now, so I am going to go make some coffee....after I make a block tower.

Error messages for Step 3 of the App Customization Specialist Superbadge...and how to avoid them!

An emailed error message.  What does it mean?
I made an error in the approval process by incorrectly selecting who should approve the request.  To avoid, think about who is triggering the request- a person who signed up their friend.  Who needs to approve?  The volunteer. 

This message can indicate many things!  An error with the approval process or an issue in the "Launch Shift Approver" can trigger this.  In my case, I made a few mistakes:
  • Launch Shift Approver - The "is null" function is confusing.  Volunteer is null true....meaning that the Volunteer field is null.  (Because the statement "is null" is true.)
  • The Launch Shift Approver should only do a field update if a person signs up herself.  Otherwise, the approval process takes care of any updates.   

An easy fix!  There are multiple criteria to be considered when creating the testing user.  
What I should have done: placed a check mark next to each criteria as I created the user / made the adjustment.
What I did: Quickly scanned the instructions, thought "I can create a user in my sleep!," and clicked away.  I had to go back and add the user roll, which was not difficult, just annoying! 

I had a little panic moment when first reading the instructions... I thought "visual workflow! eeks!  Not my strongest skill."  Then, I remember that there are several ways to create an action within Salesforce!  A few tips:
  • Create a Record with the action (not edit!)  Otherwise, you are trying to edit a Volunteer Shift record vs. allowing somebody to add themselves to the shift.
  • You do not have to create any additional fields to complete this challenge.
  • Remember to add the action to your page layout.

Three challenges down - just two to go!  Anyone want to take me to Starbucks?  I forgot to use a coffee filter.


  1. Hi Baby,

    Apparently not the most difficult of challenges looking at the number of comments?
    However, I'm stuck pretty far down #3.

    Error message:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Sign Me Up' button is not automatically assigning the logged in user's name as the volunteer.

    If I create an action on the Volunteer Shift, I can update the status (to confirmed) and can also update the "volunteer" field, but I can't select " user". I can find " username" and " user ID" ,but these are no lookup fields.

    Thanks in advance for being my goto!


    1. Hi Tim - I'm sure we can figure it out! Did you create a "button" or something else? Hint: It's something else! On the object manager for Volunteer Shift "buttons links and actions"... which of these would you select to create a record? I would guess that you created a button based on the "field" issue. You don't have to mess with field selection with the "something else" creation. (aka- if it takes more than 10 clicks, it's not the correct option). Passed?? If not, leave a few more details and I'm sure we can figure it out!

  2. Hi Baby - I created an action.

  3. Solved it, I needed the $User.Id as predefined field value for Volunteer__c

  4. I am encountering the "A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for another user is not in their approval queue, or it does not have the correct status automatically assigned." error. I have checked the Process builder, Quick Action and Approval process and feel relatively confident I am okay. Could this error be generated due to the process not being tested, thus there is not a "record in the their approval queue" I am unable to figure out how to test is challenge.
    Thanks for your input.

    1. hmmm I'd probably create a user then create a volunteer shift worker for them using your admin/normal login....then login as the newly created user to see if the record is there.
      I'm happy to take a quick look at screenshots of what you have if you would like to send them to

  5. Hi
    i have also got the same error
    " A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for another user is not in their approval queue, or it does not have the correct status automatically assigned."
    as you said how you resolved it.
    but i have created approval process not process builder.
    please help me

  6. hi!!
    I'm having the first error:

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for another user is not in their approval queue, or it does not have the correct status automatically assigned. "

    I configured the process builder like this:
    - Object -> Volunteer Shift Worker

    - Criteria 1 -> Volunteer__c not null && isShiftVolunteer == false
    - Action -> Approval process

    - Criteria 2 -> isShiftVolunteer == true
    - Action -> Status = Confirmed

    And I configured Approval process like this:
    - Entry Criteria -> Status == Unconfirmed
    - Record Editability == Admin only
    - Initial submitter == Job Owner

    - Initial Submission Action -> Status = pending
    - Approval Steps -> Related to Volunteer (without actions right now but i had it with actions)
    - Final Approval Action -> status = confirmed
    - Final Rejection Action -> status = cancelled

    and did a quick action in Volunteer Shift

    :( I'm not getting any progress after checking the posts of the whole community...

    1. Criteria 1 - Perhaps I'm reading what you have incorrectly-- Volunteer__c is null, boulean, true is what you need.

      I used a different entry criteria Something <> Something else

      Editable by 2 people. (either OR)
      Different Submitter.

    2. what is the point on having Volunteer__c as null??

      I understand that the shift must have a volunteer assigned. So in order to jump to the approval process by another person there must be a volunteer assigned to the shift, no?
      Or am i wrong?

      i suppose that what you are talking about in the criteria has to do with id and U***.id
      but i already tried that....

    3. In plain language on the process builder:
      A person signs up a friend to volunteer, that friend can not already be signed up to volunteer and that volunteer slot must be empty. (At least that's how I read it...but I am far from an expert!)

      If these two things are correct, it should flow to the approval process.

  7. Hi ,

    I'm getting below error.

    Dan Wong's username does not follow the given naming convention.

  8. Hi ,

    I'm getting below error.

    Dan Wong's username does not follow the given naming convention.

  9. Hi. I can see this is an old thread now but I think I stopped working on this Badge late last year because of this error. Just picked it up it again. The error:

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    A Volunteer Shift Worker record created for another user is not in their approval queue, or it does not have the correct status automatically assigned. "

    I have followed suggestions here there and everywhere, even went down the Yellow Brick road to visit the Wizard.

    My process works! I know because when I log in as Dan, he has a request, he approves it and statuses get set. Has anyone completed recently and know the testing works?

    1. Odd! Want to share a bit more about your process?

    2. I'm super stuck with this same error message and since they have changed from process builder to flow and none of the help resources are updated.

    3. were you able to complete the challenge? I'm currently in the same boat and stuck as well

    4. Same here guys, I'm going crazy and I'm quite sure there's something tricky in the new flow builder.... did someone pass this step?

  10. Hey there!

    I am getting the following error:

    "The 'Sign Me Up' button does not have the correct label."

    As best I can tell, my QA is not on the layout...but when I try to drag and drop, it doesn't let me. Any ideas on what I might be missing here?



    1. Click on the "button, links, and actions" on the Volunteer Shift object. Confirm that the "Name" is Sign_Me_Up and Label is "Sign Me Up"
      From there, drag and drop on your page layout....

      Are you trying to drag it to the "Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions"?
      If so, try to drop it in a different spot.

    2. how to enter today date in 6 digit format on user creation(danwong)

  11. I really appreciate your support on this.
    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    I’m happy to answer your questions, if you have any.





  12. Many thanks for your kind invitation. I’ll join you.
    Would you like to play cards?
    Come to the party with me, please.
    See you soon...




    แจกเครดิตฟรี ฝากถอนง่าย

  13. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The 'Sign Me Up' button is not automatically assigning the logged in user's name to the new Volunteer Shift Worker record.

  14. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: The 'Shift Hours' field on the 'Volunteer Shift Workers' object is not configured correctly.

  15. I am getting this error can someone help me in this??

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    Dan Wong's username does not follow the given naming convention.

  16. why does the salesforce is not appearing in choosing for the user license?

  17. Dan Wong's username does not follow the given naming convention.


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