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Einstein Analytics Data Preparation Specialist Superbadge - 1,2,3

Hello all! It's time for another superbadge! I started this superbadge a long time ago... it's time to finish it!  My goal is to complete this badge before my little brother starts to walk.  He's getting close...

Step 1 - A quiz.  You're on your own!
Step 2- This is one checkbox in setup.  You're on your own!
Step 3- Let's talk about that.... Dataflow.

The best tool to use when crafting your dataflow is the data monitor.  It can help troubleshoot issues to find which part of the process needs some work. For example.... Why were rows not created?

The problem?
A box was checked that should not be checked....
The alias name was not correct for the "register" node.

Once you see that beautiful green "Success" message, it's time to check the challenge.  Do not be discouraged if you get a few error messages.  This superbadge is EXTREMELY picky on syntax.  A few common errors:

You can see this error and still have the "Load Agency Detail" node in your dataflow.  Check for spelling, and if this is correct, double check the name of the dataset used to create the node.  The dataset name should be auto generated based upon the name of the CSV upload file.

Check for spelling and that you are using lowercase letters!  The alias for the "Create Seed Bank Agencies" node is "seed_bank_agencies"  This is not outlined in the instructions!

The dataset may also be saved to the incorrect app.  Double check this from the Analytics Studio - "Datasets." 



  1. Thanks! This was helpful!

  2. hi, I am stuck with the IsAgency computed Field. I try to use this expression (Case when Phone is null then "False" else "True" end) but it doesn't work.
    Any idea about what I'm doing wrong?
    Thank You!

    1. You are so close! Try reversing.... Case when Phone is not null then "TRUE" else "FALSE" end)

  3. I keep getting the following error while trying to complete challenge three:

    'Something went wrong while executing the ID Agency Records node: invalid field expression for field 'IsAgency': Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 10] after token EQ :: '

    Can I p;lease get some sage advice on this section I have spent all afternoon on it and can't get anywhere. Thanks ahead of time.

    1. Just because I like your style.... "sage" is a fabulous word.
      I'd try something like: case when Phone is not null then....
      Type text.

  4. Hi, I am not able to see my dataset, I have created the dataflow and its success. Then I went to Datasets > Create using dataflow > then it goes to data manager and I don't know what to select in it.

    1. Did you create the dataset needed for the dataflow first?

      The process should look like:
      1) Create dataset - "Agency Detail" using the CSV upload
      2) Create the dataflow- which brings in the Salesforce data and smashes it in with the Agency Detail data
      3) View results/create lens

    2. Hi @Trailheadbaby I am working on Einstein Analytics Super badge Data Preparation Specialist Challenge 3
      and i am getting Following Error:
      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find a filter on Account Name.
      could you please help me with this

      Thanks in Advance

    3. 95% of the people of the people I've seen with this problem forgot to add the Account Name filed during the Augument step. If that's not it... I'm happy to peek at your json

    4. Hi TrailHeadBaby ,

      I'm also facing the same issue as mentioned by Aman,Kindly find Json and help me
      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "ID Agency Records",
      "saqlFilter": "IsAgency==\"True\""
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"True\" else \"False\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    5. Look in here:
      Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [

    6. Hi, I am still facing issue Please let me know what changes i need to take care,
      PFB my Json script

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Add Agency Fields"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Filter Agency Records",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Load Account",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  5. he dataflow was completed, but the LookupSingleValue node didn't augment any columns. Either the node didn't find any matches, or a join key contains only null

  6. Still Can't get this to work, did all the fixes. I tried starting a new org but salesforce einstein keeps dumping me in the same one with different logins.

    Something went wrong while executing the ID Agency Records node: invalid field expression for field 'IsAgency': Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 10] after token when :: ;Case when Phone is not ; (02K3i000000h8dfEAA_03C3i000000ZPPlEAO)

  7. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find Agency records in the Account object.

    1. In the 'Add Agency Fields' node (where you augment), make sure you state in the Relationship field: AgencyDetail

  8. Hi,

    I'm stuck at the beginning, idk how/where to apply these steps:

    "Load the pre-populated Account object.
    Load the Agency Detail.txt file to update the Account object with the recently added fields since the initial import.
    Create a filter to select records associated with the Seed Bank project from the Account object.
    Add the custom fields from the Agency Detail.txt file to the Account object.
    Register the Account object as the new Seed Bank Agencies dataset."
    Hope you could help :)

    1. I'd go learn a little more about the topic first then....
      Loading data to Einstein isn't tough to do, but you will need some basics first in order to complete the superbadge. Trailhead has some great modules...

    2. I agree, but when I try to load the agency details.txt file via the data import wizard, there is some mapping issue, only the account number field matches and I don't know what to do from here, could you guide me?

    3. You do not upload through the data import wizard.... The data set is created from the Analytics Studio.

    4. Ok, then how can I do that? The salesforce guides are applicable to CSV file uploads only, can't find anything on uploading txt type

    5. You can upload to a new dataset with the file provided.

    6. Hi, I re-read the trailheads, watched youtube videos on datasets, but the steps I mentioned here are still not clear to me, do you have any tips/guides? I think the instructions are not clear to me, not the concepts themselves.

    7. I'm not sure how to help.... You click to create a new dataset then select the upload file. It is all done within anlytics. It might be helpful- click on the gear icon in the analytics studio to select a different part of the app.

  9. Hi,
    I do all the dataflow and the lens, but I can't complete the Challenge, this is the error:
    "We can't confirm you found the correct values. Please check your work."
    I really don't know what is wrong, can you help me?

  10. Aloha!

    I have a question regarding your second screenshot (dataset details) for the "Create Seed Bank Agencies" challenge (#3). I was wondering if it was made before or after you made the discovery about the alias for the "Create Seed Bank Agencies" node?

    I did the following:
    1. Created all of the nodes with the correct names/relationship/alias/etc.
    2. Verified that all of the required output fields are selected.
    3. Verified that the dataset and app were put into the correct app (and run without error).
    4. Created a top 5 lens.

    I continue to get an error similar but not verbatim to the one you mentioned above: "We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields." I've tried a number of different variations on the alias just in case the issue had been corrected but just can't get past this error. The only difference I'm aware of is the API name for your dataset, but if that's the issue it's a rather poorly written error message.

    Any insights you might have into where I might have gone wrong would be appreciated!

    1. The alias has to be seed_bank_agencies in order to pass the challenge... Is this what you have?

    2. Yes'm. For the node "Create Seed Bank Agencies" I have:
      Alias: seed_bank_agencies
      Name: Seed Bank Agencies

      The actual JSON for this part of the flow:
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies":
      ,"parameters":{"name":"Seed Bank Agencies"
      ,"alias":"seed_bank_agencies","source":"Filter Agency Records"}}

      It creates a dataset in Mosaic called "Seed Bank Agencies" with an API name of "seed_bank_agencies" (versus the "create_seed_bank_agencies" in your screenshot above).

      Looking at the dataset, AgencyDetail.Acres is the only measure and then the remainder are the required dimensions. The only two differences are that I also have the Account ID, IsAgency, and instead of "Shipping Postal Code" I have "Shipping Zip/Postal Code" as the name for the attribute (ShippingPostalCode is API name).

      This is an incredibly frustrating "why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam" scenario.

    3. Agreed 100% with the paper jam analogy! I had the same issue with this challenge. Our JSON is identical for this portion. Want to drop the whole JSON here and I'll take a look at it?

    4. Also - I got this error when the name of my dataset didn't match the exact (somewhat non specified!) challenge requriements - IE: "Agency Detail"

    5. I'll respond twice, once with the JSON separately because in theory someone could take it and just upload it (i.e. cheat) so you don't have to approve this comment. :)

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "defaultValue": "\"FALSE\"",
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when 'Phone' is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    6. I passed! Another undocumented challenge requirement. 48 revisions in of trying any possible combination of casing, underscores, order of dataflow transforms, etc. it occurred to me that I altered the Agency Detail dataset to make lat/long dimensions because they aren't measures and as a data geek it aggravates me. :)

      I tried creating a new "Agency Detail" (but API name of Agency_Detail1) with the file left as is, but that didn't work either and your latest response explained why.

      I nuked the modified Agency_Detail and uploaded it again, and lo, I passed.

      On a general note, it throws the error I mentioned even for a blank dataflow so it is about as generic as it gets.

      Huzzah for Trailhead Baby!

    7. So glad to hear that you passed!! (And I was hit by the latitute/longitude thing as well! They should be dimensions---- I had to delete/redo it a few times)

    8. Had the same issue with latitude/longitude, change them back to measures so you can pass the challenge.

    9. Thank you thank you thank you! I was going crazy here until I saw your comments... just re-uploaded the file without 'fixing' the latitude/longitude and it passed!
      *happy dance*

    10. I've been going at it (Challenge#3) and I still have not cleared it. I was following Rebecca and Justin's posts/comment and I realized I haven't even altered the Agency Detail file.

      I'll just have to spin another org tomorrow.

      If anyone here has other ideas, please do share.
      Thanks in advance. =)

    11. Now here's something crazy...

      Instead of NOT doing anything to the "Agency Detail" file, I actually DID changed Lat & Long to dimension instead of measure. Arnie's suggestion ( seem to contradict everything I've read prior but I thought I'd give it a try before going to bed.

      (I think that's what Trailhead Baby was saying in Sept 26, 2019, but I just got so confused with all the post & comments I've read through for this.)

      All good now. Good night. =)

    12. I confirmed that the latitute/longitude must be dimensions. I deleted and re-created the Agency Details data using latitute/longitude as dimensions and was able to pass the Challenge!

  11. I am getting we can't find agency records in the account object

  12. I would appreciate a 2nd set of eyes.

    I'm getting a similar error: We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.

    I think my JSON is the same. I even started with a new EA Dev org. The Seed Bank Agencies dataset is in the Mosaic App with 383 rows.

    The only thing I can think of is that the output fields for the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' includes the IsAgency and the challenge field count is off. Any feedback would be awesome.

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "agency_detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies", - Change this alias.
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"

      "right_select": [
      You are missing one field.

  13. got the same issue
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "seedbankagencies",
    "alias": "seedbankagencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "defaultValue": "\"FALSE\"",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when 'Phone' is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.

    1. "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "seedbankagencies",
      "alias": "seedbankagencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"

      - This has incorrect syntax.

  14. Hi . I am also doing 3rd step but getting the following error

    ""Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name. ""

    Please help me.

    1. What filter do you have in place right now?

    2. I'm encountering the same error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find a filter on Account Name." and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Below is my JSON:

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    3. Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"

      * wrong alias *

      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [

      * You are missing something in "right select" *

  15. I am getting this error
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't confirm you found the correct values. Please check your work. "

    Please help me, here is my JSON
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Agent Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agent Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "defaultValue": "FALSE",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when 'Phone' is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"

      Wrong Alias Name.

    2. Hi,

      Actually i am confused, your reply - " Wrong Alias Name " . Then what is the correct Alias Name??

      It's should be - " seed_bank_agencies" right?

    3. No. The alias name should be something else

    4. Hi, I keep getting the error message: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find the 'Load Seed Bank Agencies' dataflow. Confirm the dataflow matches the name as described in the challenge."

      Can you please help? I loaded Agency Detail dataset, then created dataflow "Load Seed Bank Agencies" but I keep getting it... Can you advise what do I do wrong? Below is my JSON:

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    5. If you go to the data manager, can you confirm that the API name for this is Load_Seed_Bank_Agencies ? Look at the left next to the dataflow under "Not Scheduled"

    6. The think is that this name is "Load_Seed_Bank_Agencies2422". I thought it might be a problem but I don't know how to change this name. I tried to remove this Dataflow and do it all over again from the scratch but it didn't work.

      Is there a way to change this name?

    7. You should be able to change the Alias directly on the dataflow- It's an editable field

    8. Which place exactly? When I click edit I cannot see the possibility to change alias name...

    9. If you can't find it from googling- I'd just save the JSON, delete the old one, empty the recycle bin.... give it 24 hours then recreate it.

    10. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find the 'Load Seed Bank Agencies' dataflow. Confirm the dataflow matches the name as described in the challenge.
      Im also having the same issue, please help me with this!!

      API name : Load_Seed_Bank_Agencies

    11. The API name of the data flow is correct. I suspect that the final node's alias is not correct... is it seed_bank_agencies ?

    12. Hello Trailhead Baby,
      I've got the same issue as Sandy there and I've checked all api_name. Is there any issue with my Json I did'nt seen ?
      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "ID Agency Records",
      "saqlFilter": "IsAgency==\"TRUE\""
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case \nwhen Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" \nelse \"FALSE\" \nend",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Load_Agency_Detail"

      Thanks a lot in advance for your help !

    13. "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Load_Agency_Detail"

      I have a different Alisa here

  16. Hi Trailhead baby,
    I am stuck in Challenge 3.
    I am having issues with the populating records in Seed Bank Agencies dataset. Please find below screenshot:

    If you notice the Filter Agency Records is not able to populate the result
    The JSON is

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. "right_select": [

      I'd bet that this is the issue. Add "Account Number"

    2. Thank you for looking into this. I created a new org and the same json worked.

  17. Hello,

    I have tried all the steps mentioned in your blog. Am still getting this "We can't find Agency records in the Account object." error. please help

  18. I'm getting the following error. Please let me know if im missing anything -

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. "right_select": [

      Something is missing.

  19. What "type" is your SAQL expression? If it is not "text", I'd bet that this is the problem.

  20. hmmmmm Did you make sure that Account Number is included on the right fields? An error that I've seen a few times is doing the join based off of the Account Number but not including it in the fields.

  21. Hi, I am doing 3rd step but getting the following error

    ""Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name. ""
    Below is my JSON-

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

    Thanks in Advance.

    1. ],
      "right_select": [

      This is going to cause issues as you are missing something crucial... You can't match accounts based on a field that isn't included. And the Alias on one of your steps is not correct.

  22. I ran into similar issues like most addressed above, and after hours of digging and losing my mind, the issue seemed to be the 'Case' word in the SOQL expression, the C needs to be lower case...i.e. 'case'....that solved my issue!

    1. Thanks!! I was losing my mind too.

  23. Hi
    On challenge 3, i am receing error as
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name.

    PFB the JSON:

    "Load Account":{
    "Filter Agency Record":{
    "source":"ID Agency Records"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies":{
    "name":"Seed Bank Agencies",
    "source":"Filter Agency Record"
    "Add Agency Fields":{
    "left":"Load Account",
    "right":"Load Agency Detail",
    "Load Agency Detail":{
    "ID Agency Records":{
    "source":"Add Agency Fields",
    "saqlExpression":"case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",

    I am even tried to create a new Org and re perform the steps but same error is being shown up again.

    My dataflow ran succesfully. I created a New lens and added Account Name as Bar and descending oder of Count of Rows. Am i missing something here in the lens, because of which i am receing this error?

    Kindly help!

    1. "right_select":[

      A problem is seen in the above- You can't match on a field that doesn't exist in the data set

  24. Hi Trailhead Baby! I have combed through all of this thread and still can't get Challenge 3 to work. Been working on this all day and struggling!!! Below is my error. Can I send you my JSON for you to take a quick look?

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.



  25. Hi Trailhead Baby! I have combed through all of this thread and still can't get Challenge 3 to work. Been working on this all day and struggling!!! Below is my error. Can I send you my JSON for you to take a quick look?

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.



    1. Drop the JSON in a comment or drop it to and I'll take a peek.
      This challenge is SUPER finiky with names.

    2. Hi Rebecca,

      I am also facing the below error. can u please help me ASAP. Is this anything related to the previous step?

      We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

      Below is my JSON:

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "defaultValue": "\"FALSE\"",
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when 'Phone' is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  26. This is CRAZY!!! I am getting the right data in the right format and still not passing. Wasted an entire day on this.

    Anyone have an idea how to combat banging head off the wall 500 times in a day for this stuff?

    Still not passing Step 3!!!

  27. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    I am stucked also in this error when checking the step 3:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.

    I have already checked the syntax everywhere and confirm that the datasets are saved in the correct app.

    I am posting my JSON from the dataflow below. If someone can spot the error I will be very grateful. I am stucked on this for 2 days -.-

    Thank you!

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "defaultValue": "1",
    "precision": 10,
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Look at the Add Agency fields step. You can't match on a field if the field is not selected in both data sets.

    2. Hi Trailhead Baby,

      I tried to add the AccountNumber as I read above in this thread but it still gives me the same error :(

    3. Try leaving these as blank:
      defaultValue": "1",
      "precision": 10,

  28. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    I have tried all possible way to fix the error, but no luck. Your hep would be really appreciated!
    Thanks in advance!

    The error is, "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name." .

    Please find my json file,

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "CreateSeedBankAgencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Look at where you "add agency fields." You can not match on a field that is not selected / included in both data sets.

    2. Hi @trailhead Baby, its evident from the above json that I am trying to match account number and account number is available in both data sets. Could you kindly explain the above comment, please?

    3. Account number is not in both data sets per the Json you provided.

  29. Help please! I keep getting the error "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name."

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:True",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed_Bank_Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. you are missing a field- You can't augument without both matching fields in both data sets.

  30. Getting error

    We can't find a filter on Account Name.

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE"
    "Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "CreateSeedBankAgencies"

    1. Look at your Augument step. You are missing a key field.

  31. Hi,
    Getting Following error in challenge 3:
    "We can't find a filter on Account Name."

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:True",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "CreateSeedBankAgencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"True\" else \"False\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    Already tried multiple things to make changes in augment section.
    Can you please help me with this?

    Thank you in advance.

    1. Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [

      - You can not match on a field that does not exist in both data sets. (A field that you need was not selected)

  32. Dhamendra Mishra
    I am facing issue in challenge#3. Followed all the step mentioned in the challenge ; but still not able to pass the challenge . Below is the JSON can I have a second eye on the JSON.

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "(case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end);"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

    It's showing

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't confirm you found the correct values. Please check your work.
    Close errors

    Any help.

    1. My saql for "Is agency" is slightly different.

  33. Hi ,

    i am getting below error on challenge #3

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name.

    PFB my JSON

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetails",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      I have something a tiny bit different.

  34. I am getting error like " Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find Agency records in the Account object" when i check challenge #3 .

    i rechecked my relation ship name in add agency fields which is "AgencyDetail" but i still get the same error any pointers? really struck on this from quote some time now!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. just went through the blog, made couple of changes to create seed band agencies node, tried alternative for relatives filed node but the same old error again, tried adding the same process with another new org no luck, there one post which says delete whole agency data and re create it again i will try that once and come back if the same issue persist. posting updated json

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create seed bank agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Create seed bank agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    3. The issue on "Add Agency Fields" stands out on first glance

    4. thank you so much , i got that extra filed which we need to add at add agency fields, i was banging my head for what went wrong from one of your comments for agency fileds i got to know to add extra filed and it passed ! :D

  35. Tried very hard to crack the Challenge#3. Created so many revisions and didn't find any issue in data flow.

    Finally found the issue after going through this thread.

    I am getting this Error :
    Couldn’t find 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node. Please check the name and alias spelling.

    Problem is:
    "When I am creating the Agency Details dataset from external file, Changed the field attributes for the fields Longitude and Latitude from Measure to Dimension."

    I re created this step without changing the filed attributes. Then I cleared the challenge #3 and #4 and #5.

    Thank you guys.

  36. I have been trying this challenge for so long not able to understand where is the issue..

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create seed bank agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "agency_detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    Could anybody please help out. I have been trying for last 3 days without any luck.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "agency_detail"


    2. Thanks for your reply..I corrected that but no luck,

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    3. I am still not able to understand where is the issue in the Data Flow.

    4. "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      * something is missing at the end of this saql*

    5. Thanks for your reply. I was doing a silly mistake. Now I have cleared the challenge and the Superbadge also.

    6. After many attempts still encountering same issue.

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't find a filter on Account Name.

      Below is my Json

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end\n",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    7. "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [

      The problem is in here.

    8. May I know what is the problem you mean here

  37. Hello,
    For me, at step 3, dataflow is running fine but when I am going to create a lens for that dataset, no results are showing up there.
    Chart is empty there.

    My JSON:
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "\"case when Phone is not null then \\\"TRUE\\\" else \\\"FALSE\\\" end\"",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    Please help.

    1. There is a mistake in this expression:
      saqlExpression": "\"case when Phone is not null then \\\"TRUE\\\" else \\\"FALSE\\\" end\"",

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. I am getting below error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name.
    Please let me know as soon as you can.
    Help is much appriciated.

    I have Account Number mapped both the sides as well taken in right_select:
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. I found the issue its solved.
      Please ignore above JSON.

    2. @VIPUL Can you please share your solution. I am also facing the same issue.

    3. Look in this:
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  40. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name.

    I am using this json :

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "SeedBankAgencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Incorrect SAQL:
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  41. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name.
    Your Help is much appriciated.

    I am using this json :

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "SeedBankAgencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  42. Sorry, I could not understand your answer.
    Can you please hint about correct SAQL:
    here I am using

    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",


  43. Hi,

    I Have read almost each and every comment on this blog regarding the error
    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name, alias, and required fields.

    And in spite of correcting everything, i am still hitting this error. Pasting my Json below, request you to please help out.

    i tried keeping Alias name for Register node as - "create_seed_bank_agencies" As well as tried with "seed_bank_agencies" still no luck, Final Json pasted below.

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [

      Double check this node.

    2. My Dataflow is running successfully but no records are coming in "Seed Bank Agencies" Dataset and am not able to create lens due to empty dataset. Here is my JSON. Please help.

      "Filter Agency Records": {
      "action": "filter",
      "parameters": {
      "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
      "source": "ID Agency Records"
      "Load Account": {
      "action": "sfdcDigest",
      "parameters": {
      "fields": [
      "name": "AccountNumber"
      "name": "Name"
      "name": "Phone"
      "name": "ShippingCity"
      "name": "ShippingCountry"
      "name": "ShippingState"
      "name": "ShippingStreet"
      "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
      "object": "Account"
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Filter Agency Records"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Load Account",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail"
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

    3. check saql:
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  44. Hi,

    May you please help me figure out what the issue is. I have tried re-doing the dataflow multiple times and in different orgs but keep getting this error:

    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    Please see below for my JSON. Thank you for your help!

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetails",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. I am also facing this issue, tried everything mentioned here. Nothing worked.
      Please help.

    2. Hi - I was finally able to clear this step! Please make sure that when you upload your Agency Detail dataset that the Longitude and Latitude are dimensions NOT measures.

    3. },
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Load Account",
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetails",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [

      This is also an issue. You can't match off a field that isn't specified in both data sets .

    4. Thanks for your blog. I checked for the node names and also checked whether the rows are getting populated or not in both Seed Bank Agencies & Seed Bank datasets. They seem to be alright.

      Even after repeated attempts - I am not able to clear the error in Step 6.

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

      Please refer to the screens of datasets & dataflows for your reference on the following link:

      Kindly check and let me know - where I am possibly going wrong? Thanks for your help.

    5. I don't see the node name in the success community post. Please post the json for the "create seed bank agencies" node here and I'll take a look

    6. Please check below:

      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Augment TempClass"

    7. Check node name. I suggest "Create Seed Bank Agencies" with the same alias that you have now....

    8. I am still getting the same error. I also tried deleted the data flows, lenses and created them afresh.

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Hi Author,

    I tried doing all the changes mentioned but unable to complete the challenge below is the Error
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  47. Hi,

    I am also getting the same error, tried all above things but didnt work-

    "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct."

    I tried account number in right select, still it didnt work.

    Following is the json -

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "agency_detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Check this:
      saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",

  48. Hey, I am facing Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. issue

    1. Share some details, and I'm happy to take a look!

  49. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    I am also facing the same error.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    Below is the json from my org.

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

    1. Check your json:
      "type": "Text",
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end"

    2. I have made the changes as below.

      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Add Agency Fields",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is null then \"FALSE\" else \"TRUE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

      does it sill have error then please let me know what is the error and what should be the correct one.

    3. SAQL is wrong: "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is null then \"FALSE\" else \"TRUE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. Hi Trailhead Baby,

    I am also facing the same error.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. i have tried in multiple orgs still same error. please find below my json. please suggest .

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail1"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  52. Hello Trailhead Baby,

    I am stuck since 2 days on this step 3.
    Error : We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    I've read all the comment, check that everything is in the right app and still can't find where is the issue.

    Can you help me please ? Thank you !

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "Phone"
    "object": "Account"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

    1. I've deleted to first node with Agency Detail, changed the longitude and latitude from measure to dimension in the dataset, created the node again and passed the challenge.

  53. Hello,

    I have read the coments, and yet cannot see what is wrong with my JSON.
    would you please point out what you believe to be an anomalie : (I am losing my mind over this! )

    the error I get is this :
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    My JSON :

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:True",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Add Agency Fields"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Filter Agency Records",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Load Account",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "saqlExpression": "case \nwhen Phone is not null then \"True\"\nelse \"False\" \nend",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    In advance, thank you for your time.

    1. },
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "right_key": [
      "left": "Filter Agency Records",
      "left_key": [
      "right_select": [

      Add in another field... It's hard to match if the field does not exist in both data sets.

      "saqlExpression": "case \nwhen Phone is not null then \"True\"\nelse \"False\" \nend",

      My SAQL is slightly different.

    2. hello, Trailhead Baby,

      thank you for your quick reply.

      I changed lat and long from measures to dimensions in agency detail and it worked.

      thank you again for your time,

    3. Interesting! I am glad that it worked!

  54. Hi Trailhead Baby,
    For step #6 : I am getting below error trying from more than week but no luck.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node or required fields, such as 'TempClass', are missing. Check the challenge and confirm the node name and required fields.

    "Add Temp Class": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "computedFields": [
    "label": "TempClass",
    "name": "TempClass",
    "saqlExpression": "case \nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp < 25 then \"Polar\" \nwhen lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50 and highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50 then \"Cool\"\nwhen lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85 and highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85 then \"Continental\"\nwhen lowTemp > 85 and highTemp > 85 then \"Tropical\"\nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 50) then \"Polar-Cool\" \nwhen lowTemp < 25 and (highTemp >= 25 and highTemp <= 85) then \"Polar-Cool-Continental\" \nwhen lowTemp < 25 and highTemp > 85 then \"Polar-Cool-Continental-Tropical\" \nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and (highTemp >= 51 and highTemp <= 85) then \"Cool-Continental\" \nwhen (lowTemp >= 25 and lowTemp <= 50) and highTemp >= 85 then \"Cool-Continental-Tropical\" \nwhen (lowTemp >= 51 and lowTemp <= 85) and highTemp > 85 then \"Continental-Tropical\" \nend",
    "type": "Text"
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Define Temp Range"
    "Augment TempClass": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Add Temp Class",
    "left_key": [
    "operation": "LookupMultiValue",
    "relationship": "Climate",
    "right": "Load TempClass Mapping",
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Calculate Acreage": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "computedFields": [
    "label": "Acreage",
    "name": "Acreage",
    "precision": 18,
    "saqlExpression": "(Seeds_Pound*Spacing)/6272640",
    "scale": 6,
    "type": "Numeric"
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Load Seed Chart"
    "CleanUp": {
    "action": "sliceDataset",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "highTemp"
    "name": "lowTemp"
    "name": "Climate.TempKey"
    "name": "TempClass"
    "mode": "drop",
    "source": "Augment TempClass"

    1. "Create Seed Bank": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "seed_bank",
      "name": "Seed Bank",
      "source": "CleanUp"
      "Define Temp Range": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "computedFields": [
      "defaultValue": "0",
      "label": "lowTemp",
      "name": "lowTemp",
      "precision": 18,
      "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,1,2))",
      "scale": 2,
      "type": "Numeric"
      "defaultValue": "0",
      "label": "highTemp",
      "name": "highTemp",
      "precision": 18,
      "saqlExpression": "string_to_number(substr(Temperature,-2,2))",
      "scale": 2,
      "type": "Numeric"
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "source": "Calculate Acreage"
      "Load Seed Chart": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Seed_Chart"
      "Load TempClass Mapping": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Temperature_Classes_Mapping"

  55. Hi,
    Can someone please help me, my validation keeps giving the following erorr;

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct."

    I've done everything correctly I guess and have incorporated everything discussed here still getting the same error.

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"True\" else \"False\" end"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:True"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

  56. Nevermind, solved it. Latitude/Long was the problem. Thanks

  57. I've been thru this whole post (multiple times). I suspect my issue is my SAQL expression in the ID Agency Records node based on responses above but the dataflow runs fine and I'm able to create the Lens correctly. However, I'm still getting the: We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct. error on Challenge 3. Attaching my JSON below. I've spent way too many hours looking at this and would appreciate your review/response. Thanks in advance.

    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "object": "Account",
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"True\" else \"False\" end",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "saqlFilter": "IsAgency==\"True\""
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

  58. Never mind on the item from yesterday. Somewhere along the way, the latitude/longitude data type requirement changed from the earlier posts noted above. Now, Salesforce requires changing these fields to dimension from metric. That solved it.

  59. I'm facing the same issue:

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.
    The names alias are corret. I've made the 5 Top Agencies Lens :(

    The problem is not lat/lon (they already are measures)

    My json:
    Load Seed Bank Agencies

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Create Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Load Account",
    "alias": "load_account",
    "source": "Load Account"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

    1. Wait I will try this possible solution: "I changed lat and long from measures to dimensions in agency detail and it worked."

      I was thinking that lat/lon must be Measures. But Ok, I've reeplaced the Dataset Agency Detail and the same issue is occuring :'(

    2. OMG I Was checking the wrong org (Yes, I've created another playgroud) So: The solution is, change Lat/Lon to measure l and it worked. Solveddd

  60. Hello,

    I'm currently stuck at step #3 of the superbadge with error: "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct."

    To be on the safe side, I checked that I have all required fields, the good alias and good name. However, I find myself unable to "debug" my code. Could you please save my forehead from a 100th headbutt? Thanks ;-)

    My JSON is:
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Load Account",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"true\" else \"false\" end",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:true"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left": "Filter Agency Records",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Slice isAgency",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "rowLevelSecurityFilter": ""
    "Slice isAgency": {
    "action": "sliceDataset",
    "parameters": {
    "mode": "drop",
    "fields": [
    "name": "IsAgency"
    "source": "Add Agency Fields"

  61. I am getting the dreaded "Functionality Not Enabled" error when attempting to clear Step #3. My user has access to Analytics Studio and the Admin permission set. All of the datasets and lenses are in the Mosaic app so I am not sure what functionality is left and which user it's missing from. Anyone hit this issue and find out that it is some silly, simple checkbox that they missed?

  62. Create a story in Einstein Discovery
    Create an “Insights & Predictions” story in Manual mode using the Beattie Subs dataset to generate a goal to maximize subscriber tenure.
    Review all the fields used in the story and create a new story version by removing any fields which might be contributing to data leakage. Hint there is one field that should not be used in the predictive model because it is only populated when the record reaches the terminal state.
    Review any date field(s) used in the model. Should you be including the year? Consider any new records that will be scored with this model. Will the predictive model know how to handle the year? Consider focusing on “day of week” or “month of year”.
    Explore model metrics and make sure this model is good enough to be deployed.

    This is a challenge in Tableau CRM and Einstein Discovery Insights Specialist.Can you please help me on this?

  63. Can you please help me out? What did I do wrong?

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "Phone"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "defaultValue": "FALSE",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  64. Hi,
    Would you mind helping me with this error message Step 3 :

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find a filter on Account Name on your 'Top 5 Agencies' lens.

    I've been trying for hours and can't find what's wrong. My Top 5 Agencies Lens is having a filter on "Account name" so I don't understand the problem.
    Thanks for your help because I can't move forward.

  65. @Trailhead Baby,

    Hi, I'm getting the below error. Can someone please help to solve this issue?

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't find the 'Load Seed Bank Agencies' dataflow. Confirm the dataflow matches the name as described in the challenge."

    My JSON
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "left": "Load Account",
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "left_key": [
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  66. Hello @prasanth and others who solved the challenge 3. I am facing difficulty with Challenge 3.

    I am getting this below error. Can anyone please help.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    In the datflow I am getting below Error.

    Something went wrong while executing the ID Agency Records node: invalid field expression for field 'IsAgency': Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 10] after token Unexpected character ':' :: ;IsAgency:EQ:TRUE; (02K5g000000SgrUEAS_03C5g000002MgvnEAC)

  67. Hi, I'm still not able to resolve this challenge: I keep getting the error
    "We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly."

    Already checked all comments here, recreated a new org, but still same error...

    Here's my JSON:
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "right_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "computedFields": [
    "type": "Text",
    "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"True\" else \"False\" end",
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "label": "IsAgency"
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "ID Agency Records",
    "saqlFilter": "IsAgency == \"True\""
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records",
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies"

  68. POST 1/2

    Hey Trailhead Baby, thanks for everything you do!

    I am attempting to complete the Tableau CRM Data Prep Specialist Badge and getting stuck on challenge 4 (previously challenge 3 based on all of the troubleshooting threads I've read).

    When attempting to validate this challenge I'm getting the following error message: "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct."

    I have been racking my brain looking over naming conventions, spelling, and casing for the past several hours with no success. This is especially frustrating because my Dataflow is running, the data looks right, and I'm able to create my Top 5 Agencies Lens!

    Any tips or troubleshooting guidance would be greatly appreciated! Attached is my Dataflow JSON (posted in 2 parts).

    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"

    1. POST 2/2

      JSON (continued)
      "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
      "action": "sfdcRegister",
      "parameters": {
      "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
      "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
      "source": "Add Agency Fields"
      "Add Agency Fields": {
      "action": "augment",
      "parameters": {
      "left": "Filter Agency Records",
      "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
      "operation": "LookupSingleValue",
      "left_key": [
      "right": "Load Agency Detail",
      "right_key": [
      "right_select": [
      "ID Agency Records": {
      "action": "computeExpression",
      "parameters": {
      "source": "Load Account",
      "mergeWithSource": true,
      "computedFields": [
      "defaultValue": "FALSE",
      "name": "IsAgency",
      "saqlExpression": "case when Phone is not null then \"TRUE\" else \"FALSE\" end",
      "label": "IsAgency",
      "type": "Text"
      "Load Agency Detail": {
      "action": "edgemart",
      "parameters": {
      "alias": "Agency_Detail1"

  69. Replies

  70. Dear Trailhead baby, I've managed to run the dataflow by going through all the suggestions above however the dataset is not yielding any results to make the lens .

    JSON as follows, HELP!!!: {
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    " Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies ",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "object": "Account"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "Load Agency Detail": {
    "action": "edgemart",
    "parameters": {
    "alias": "Agency_Detail"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {
    "source": "Add Agency Fields",
    "mergeWithSource": true,
    "computedFields": [
    "name": "IsAgency",
    "saqlExpression": "\"case when Phone is not null then \\\"TRUE\\\" else \\\"FALSE\\\" end\"",
    "label": "IsAgency",
    "type": "Text"

  71. Hi, I am getting these errors:

    Check Challenge Error:
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We can't validate the 'Create Seed Bank Agencies' node was created correctly. Check the required fields, field types, node name, and alias are correct.

    Run Dataflow Error:
    Something went wrong while executing the ID Agency Records node: invalid field expression for field 'IsAgency' [error category: USER]: Syntax Error at position [line 1: column 10] after token Unexpected character ':' :: ;IsAgency:EQ:True; (02KDn000000CFhnMAG_03CDn000001BiRdMAK)

    I tried:
    Checking Connections and made sure Account and User were synced.
    Use SAQL is unchecked in Filter Agency Records.
    What else should I try? Thanks!

    Full JSON
    "Filter Agency Records": {
    "action": "filter",
    "parameters": {
    "filter": "IsAgency:EQ:TRUE",
    "source": "ID Agency Records"
    "Load Account": {
    "action": "sfdcDigest",
    "parameters": {
    "fields": [
    "name": "AccountNumber"
    "name": "Name"
    "name": "Phone"
    "name": "ShippingCity"
    "name": "ShippingCountry"
    "name": "ShippingPostalCode"
    "name": "ShippingState"
    "name": "ShippingStreet"
    "object": "Account"
    "Create Seed Bank Agencies": {
    "action": "sfdcRegister",
    "parameters": {
    "name": "Seed Bank Agencies",
    "alias": "seed_bank_agencies",
    "source": "Filter Agency Records"
    "Add Agency Fields": {
    "action": "augment",
    "parameters": {
    "right_key": [
    "left": "Load Account",
    "left_key": [
    "right_select": [
    "right": "Load Agency Detail",
    "relationship": "AgencyDetail",
    "operation": "LookupSingleValue"
    "ID Agency Records": {
    "action": "computeExpression",
    "parameters": {

  72. i Hello,

    I have an issue with the dataflow Load Seed Bank Agencies. It was successfully run but there are no records when I create a Lens. Do you have any guess of what might be the issue?


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