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Selling with Sales Cloud Specialist Superbadge - part 2!

Done! It's time to celebrate with chocolate milk and sugar cookies.  My little brother gave up around step 7 when we ran into the same error message for 2 whole days.  That was a little frustrating, but let's talk about it here so that you do not get stuck in the same spot!

Product Products Report

Potential problems:

  • Wrong report type - The type you need should start with "Opportunities with Something."  If you start with Products, the report will look correct but the challenge will not pass.
  • This report needs 2 filters - both of which are stated in the instructions.  Do not overthink- No fields should be added to the report.  The standard auto-generated ones will do! 
  • If you get stuck, give up and start over!  
Stuck? Leave a comment! 


  1. Hi I am working on step 2 of "Set record-level security settings" of "Security Specialist Superbadge" .

    Issues 1. i am getting error saying "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    The unit tests in the managed package have not passed successfully. Make sure you run all test in your org before checking this section. Ensure that they all pass."

    In the "Apex Test Execution ": I am not getting any namespaces let me know what blunder have i done :)

    1. Go to classic then Apex test then all name then click the second one... I was only able to pass this one via classic ...

    2. hey stuck on step 2
      after importing 2 companies are not seen
      monsson electric and flutopia plz help

  2. Still stuck with this one..... frustrating. My steps: I create an 'Opportunities with Products' report. I add a group row based on the field 'Product Name'. The 'Total Price' field is Summarized by Sum. I uncheck 'Detail Rows'. Change the filter for Close Date to 'Current and Next 3 CQ (1 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2020)'. Filter for Opportunity Status is set to "open'. But that doesn't do the trick.... what am I doing wrong?

    1. "The 'Total Price' field is Summarized by Sum" - Try a different field.
      "Close Date to 'Current and Next 3 CQ" - Try something else.
      "Opportunity Status is set to "open"" - Nope!

      I'd just read the instructions over again super carefully... These are super 'nit-picky' minor things.

    2. I think you need to use another report type: Opprtunity with ...
      Remember that products are not directly linked to Opportunities. They are linked to something else which is itself related to the Opportunity.

      Starts with Q...

  3. Hi Im stuck at step 2 (enter current clients) :( My error says that the Monsoon Electric and Flutopia have errored (parent_account ID invalid format????) :( HEEELP

    1. Check to see if your account hierarchy was entered correctly.

    2. HINT- I don't remember the exact instructions from this challenge, but my bet is that one of these has a parent account or is a parent account....

    3. Thanks! Had fixed it manually...and now I get a strange message for Tri Mall even though it IS imported and all data is in..!?!?

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We couldn’t find the customer record for Tri Mall. Please make sure that a single record exists for this account and the record has the correct values according to the requirements, including the account name, city, state, type, account parent (if any), and the number of employees.

      Is it still hierarchy? I keep trying to fix it but nothing happens :( Even tried deleting it and manually creating it :(

    4. Same is so frustrating..stuck for entire day. Any suggestions?

    5. Did you create a Chatter post on the Tri Mall account?

  4. Hi, I am stuck with the following error message,

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the Sales Rep Scoreboard report. Please ensure that the report was created according to the requirements". Can you please help out with some tips. Hope I haven't mess up the playground.

  5. Hi,
    I'd appreciate if you could help me with the issue below
    I am stuck at the Part 4 of Selling with Sales Cloud Specialist

    Getting the below error -
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct information for the La Z Tag event on the Demo public calendar. Please ensure that you follow the steps in the Ursa Major Solar sales process for opportunities that are at the On-Site Evaluation stage.

    I have checked and my opportunity is good, has a chatter post and I also have an event on DEMO calendar

    1. how to set calender public? the same error


    3. My calender is public, still getting the same error

    4. Hey i have the same problem. Can anybody help me

    5. Hi @Gautam, did you succed to fix the issue? Thanks

  6. in step 2 after importing 2 companies(monsoon electric and flutopia) not seen in all accounts

    1. What is the issue? I do not understand your comment

    2. in csv file there are 7 company names ..when we upload csv file and do import and then go to the accounts in that all 7 are not coming ...2 are missing..

    3. i even added a parent account

    4. Ok. I'm not sure what help you are looking for--- If two accounts are missing, it should take about 2 minutes to type in the data from the CSV?

  7. Stuck at step 2 of sales cloud superbadge:

    We couldn’t find the customer record for Tri Mall. Please make sure that a single record exists for this account and the record has the correct values according to the requirements, including the account name, city, state, type, account parent (if any), and the number of employees.

    I can't seem to figure out..been deleting and adding it but of no use. Crosschecked the information multiple times now

    Any suggestions

    1. I would double check that the account name is Tri Mall (with a space in the middle of the two words).

  8. Stuck at step 2 of sales cloud superbadge:

    We couldn't find the annual maintenance task for the account named Monsoon Electric. Please ensure the task was created according to the requirements, including the date and the subject fields.

    1. Please create the task on the particular Account Monsoon Electric

  9. Stuck at step 5 of sales cloud superbadge:

    We couldn't find the correct information for the La Z Tag event on the Demo public calendar. Please ensure that you follow the steps in the Ursa Major Solar sales process for opportunities that are at the On-Site Evaluation stage.

    kindly please help

    1. were u able to solve this? if yes plz help

    2. Create a new event on Calendar and then select "Assigned To" calendars to Demo.

  10. Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct configuration for the Sales Rep Scoreboard report. Please make sure that you created the report according to the requirements, using the built-in filter to show only Closed Won opportunities.
    Can you guys help?

    1. Group by amount and opportunity owner. Sort the amount in a descending order.

  11. Stuck at Challenge 8 - Pipeline Products report with same error message as shown above. I have chosen the right report type O with Q. No additional fields added. First filters the current and next 3 FQ and second Opp Status "any" or "open" but both did not do the trick. Any other hints? Sum on Amount field not Total Price with Subtotals. I have started two times from scratch but keep getting the same error message.

    Best regards, Julian

    1. Hello Did You find the solution for this? I am still struck

    2. Yes, I did. I changed the report type. I used fields from the Quote before, but with this type you cannot get through the challenge. Choose the other type with Product related fields.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Stuck at Challenge 7- Your Phone Rings - Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: We couldn't find the correct information for the Enerplus Opportunity. Please ensure you update the Enerplus Opportunity based on the phone call you received, according to the requirements.

    Here's what I did

    "The Enerplus deal has been assigned to you; it should be updated to “Quote Approved” and, because it’s a distributor deal it should be marked 80% to close.We really like that we now have a separate price book for distributor deals!"

    Solution followed:

    Created a Lead and converted it.

    1. Selected Distributor Price Book, then added a product under Products

    2.Opportunity moved to the Quote Generation stage, created a new Quote on the Opportunity and then generate the Quote PDF and save the Quote to the Opportunity record.

    2.Moved the Opportunity to the Negotiation stage, marked complete- the task titled "Send Term Sheet for Signature," which was automatically created on the Opportunity.

    3.Moved the Opportunity to the Signing Stage(80%), created a new Contract linked to the Opportunity, Account, and Contact. Moved the contract to 'In Approval Process'. Click on Submit for approval.

  14. Stuck at Challenge 5 - Enter Deals - Ensure you correctly entered the list of deals.
    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the work item request in an approval process for a Contract associated with the Wattage opportunity. Please ensure you follow the sales process requirements for the Wattage Deal.
    I have no clue what the "work item" is or how to resolve the issue?

    kindly please help

    1. On Contract Object you have a button submit for approval please click on that button you should be good.

    2. this worked thank you

  15. Hi! I'm stuck on the first report - 12 month pipeline. The error is saying "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct configuration for the 12 month Pipeline report. Make sure that you created the report according to the requirements, including using CloseDate as the first grouping field." I don't really understand why close date would be the first grouping field when I need to group by fiscal quarters. However, I've tried it and it still doesn't work. I also cannot figure out how to sort it by Eastern and Western Sales Teams - when I add those Opportunity roles there is no data. Please help! Thank you!

    1. See this trail: create-reports-and-dashboards-for-sales-and-marketing-managers/create-a-simple-custom-report

    2. Hello all,
      I got the 12 month pipeline report done. Thank you for the help. I am very stuck on the next report in the challenge titled Pipeline Type. I have tried doing an opportunities report and grouping by type. And I get the same error message.

      Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
      We couldn't find the correct configuration for the Pipeline Type report. Make sure that you created the report according to the requirements, including the correct date filter.

      I have set the date to Current and next 3 CQ.

      For reference here is the only instructions given to me.

      Pipeline Type — This is a report comparing pipeline deals for existing customers and deals for new customers, for the current quarter and next three quarters.

      Anyone have this report figured out?
      Thanks in advance. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    3. Did you get the pipeline type of yes can you please let me know what was the issue

    4. Pipeline Type report would be group by "Type" and Opportunity Status is Open & Close date is Current and Next 3FQ

  16. Stuck at challenge 6, already input the phone number from the sticky notes. Here is the error.
    we couldn't find the correct record for jennifer flotes. make sure that the record has the correct values, including the correct phone number, according to the requirements.

  17. stuck at Step 5 enter details
    I am trying to complete the contract for WattAge, but keep running into this error message: We couldn't find the correct information for a Contract associated with the Wattage opportunity and contact. Please ensure you follow the Sales Process requirements for the Wattage Deal.

    The Sales process states that "When an Opportunity enters the Signing Stage, sales reps create a new Contract linked to the Opportunity, Account, and Contact. The rep must then submit the Contract for approval."

    I have created a lookup relationship field on the Contract object for Contact so the Contact is "linked" to the Contract per Sales process. The Account and Opportunity fields were either already there or I put them there along with the Contact lookup field. I made the close date for the contract two months from now, and then set the contract start date as that day. Today is March 9th, so I set the opportunity close date to May 9, 2022, contract term 12 months, and I clicked the button to submit for approval, and moved the status on the path to "In Approval Process". I checked all the spellings and still haven't passed this step.
    Any and all help is much appreciated!
    Thank you

    1. I figured it out, I added the contact's name to the Contract as "customer signed by" and included the city and state to the contract then it passed the task :)

  18. We couldn't find the 12 month Pipeline report. Please make sure that you've created the report.

  19. which report type to be selected and how to proceed further
    can anyone guide me

    1. Opportunity would be used for pipeline reports.

  20. We couldn't find the correct configuration for the 12 month Pipeline report. Make sure that the report format is SUMMARY.

  21. Can anyone please help to get this error resolved

    "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct record for Mark Storm. Make sure that a single record exists for this contact, and the record has the correct values according to the requirements."

    1. It worked after changing Mark Storm name. "Mark" as first name and "storm" as last name

  22. Can anyone please help to get this error resolved

    Step 7

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct information for the Long John’s Socks Opportunity. Please ensure you update the Long John’s Socks Opportunity based on the phone call you received, according to the requirements.

  23. We couldn't find the annual maintenance task for the account named Monsoon Electric. Please ensure the task was created according to the requirements, including the date and the subject fields.

  24. We couldn't find the correct field values for the La Z tag deal record. Please make sure that the record has the correct values, including the correct Stage, according to the requirements.

  25. What You Need to Know About Venture Term Sheets:An essential instrument in venture capital is the term sheet. The final terms of an investment are negotiated using this document, which describes the parameters of the investment. As it can help establish clear expectations and prevent misunderstandings later on, a term sheet can be a useful tool for both businesses and investors.

  26. Stuck on step 7

    Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct information for the Daily Bakery won email message. Please ensure you follow the sales process for the Daily Bakery deal.

    Trailhead Baby please help!!

  27. Please help with this, "Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
    We couldn't find the correct configuration for the Activities To Close report. Please make sure that you created the report according to the requirements, including the right report type."

    1. I am stuck on this and cannot move pass this point, please help!!!!!

    2. Report type is activities with opportunities

  28. We couldn't find the record for a MakeMore's contact. Please make sure that all the required contacts were created and that a single record exists for each contact.

    Please help with this error.

  29. We couldn't find the correct information for the task related to the MakeMore opportunity. Please ensure you complete the Send Term Sheet for Signature task, according to the requirements.
    Help me with this error.

    1. Mark this event as completed under Tasks. This will be available after u set the opportunity to the Negotiation stage.

  30. Has anyone solved the 12 month pipeline report?

    1. Set the close date to current and next 3FQ and opportunity status is closed won. Group by close date

  31. We couldn't find the correct information for the Daily Bakery won email message. Please ensure you follow the sales process for the Daily Bakery deal.

  32. Great article! I really enjoyed reading your perspective on this topic. It provided valuable insights and gave me a fresh outlook.


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