I woke up before dawn this morning to help Mom sort out out the pom-poms. I do not understand why Mom keeps all of these tiny balls in a plastic bag when they should be appropriately sorted by size and color. It bothered me so much last night, that I had to get up early and fix this mess. Since I am up, let's get back to the Billing Specialist Superbadge with some tips for steps 7, 8, and 10.
Step 7 requires a bunch of little steps in order to pass! Fortunately, the instructions for this step are clear but require a very careful reading....
- There are two, let's call them, "high level" checkboxes to tick.
- A global picklist set is always better when you want to use the values more than once.
- The process builder part is one field update. If your process is more complex, research why there is a checkbox on quote to indicate that the quote has been ordered.
The instructions are not very clear, so I will break from Trailhead Baby tradition and tell you that a new field must be named "Provisioning Complete" to pass this step. If you create a different field and use it in your process, it becomes a little messy. Fixable, but messy. (Trailhead Baby's first attempt named the field "Provisioning Date." Whoops!)
Stuck here? You may need to add some values to a picklist value set. No need to inactivate old values, just add the new ones.
One final hint:
Create two records- one of them needs a box checked that the other one does not require! Or, reference this article for some help:
Hi Good Day !
ReplyDeleteI hope you are doing well.
I'm facing error in challenge - 9 Provisioning Product Values
Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
We can't find the Flow 'Order Automation' with the decision element created according to the requirements.
Can you please help or guide me ..
Waiting For your response !
It looks like I need to use Flow instead of Process Builder. What suggestions would you have?
ReplyDeleteChallenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
ReplyDeleteWe can't find the Flow 'Create Order' with the record update step configured according to the requirements.
Provisioning Product Values
Complete the Order Provisioning Process setup, maintaining the integrity of data moving from CPQ down to Billing.
I encountered this as well and currently stuck. Everything looks correct, so I'm sure it is something small. How did you resolve the issue?
DeleteI am facing the same issue , is this resolved for you?
DeleteLikely other individuals in the past, I'm also stuck with the error "We can't find the Flow 'Order Automation' with the record update element to update the Invoice Batch field according to the requirements." I tried multiple variations unsuccessfully.
ReplyDeleteFinally got it resolved
DeleteReally insightful! Thanks for breaking this down.
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